Anu Castaneda 

Anu Castaneda

Title: Research Professor
Tel. +358 29 524 7848
Email: anu.castaneda(at)


  • Special issues regarding cultural diversity, such as health and well-being among foreign born population and other ethnic minorities
  • Political science and social psychology, particularly ethnic- and intercultural relations, discrimination and integration
  • Psychology, mental health and psychotherapy

Primary duties

  • Research Professor
  • Team leader (until 31st July 2024)
  • Chair of THL's Expert Group for Cultural Diversity (MONET)


  • 2017, Docent of Health- and Clinical Psychology
  • 2017, Special qualification for management, Omnia
  • 2016, Master of Social Sciences, Social psychology, ethnic relations, cultural diversity and integration, University of Helsinki
  • 2015, Teacher's pedagogical studies (qualified teacher), further education, University of Helsinki
  • 2015, Training program for sudden traumatic crises, University of Helsinki
  • 2014, Psychotherapist on the advanced level of competence, solution-oriented, Helsinki Brief Therapy Institute
  • 2014, Mindfulness-based stress reduction -trainer, Helsinki Psychotherapy Institute
  • 2014, Social-pedagogical Horse instructor, Ypäjä Equine College
  • 2013, multicultural expert, the Family Federation of Finland
  • 2012, Supervisor of work, University of Helsinki
  • 2011, Special and higher level psychotherapist, Helsinki Psychotherapy Institute
  • 2010, PhD, Psychology, University of Helsinki
  • 2005, M.Psych., Psychology, University of Helsinki

Work Experience

  • 2015–, Research manager, THL
  • 2010–, Entrepreneur, Clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, work supervisor, Studio Soleil Oy
  • 2012–2016, Lecturer, University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology
  • 2011–2015, Senior Researcher, THL
  • 2005-2011, Researcher, THL (bef. KTL)
  • 2005, Psychologist, Janssen-Cilag Oy


  • Finnish (native)
  • English (fluent)
  • Spanish (good)
  • Swedish (fair)

Current projects

Current Positions of Trust

  • 2018–, HDI Center for Psychotraumatology, War Trauma Rehabilitation project, Member of the Steering Group
  • 2018–, The Finnish Association of Mental Health, Mental Well-being and Integration in Multicultural Finland -project, Member of the Steering Group
  • 2017–, THL's Expert Group for Cultural Diversity, Chair of board
  • 2017–, Yhteiskuntapolitiikka Journal, Member of Editorial Board
  • 2015–, Ministry for Economic Affairs and Employment, Centre of Expertise In Immigrant Integration, Member of Coordination group
  • 2015–, Member of THL's Research ethics commission


  • Studio Soleil Oy, Business owner and Chair of board
  • Oy Doctors Villa O'Especial, Business owner and Chair of board



Scientific publications

About 40 peer-reviewed scientific publications, e.g.,

Book articles (in Finnish)

Various articles published in non-peer-reviewed journals, e.g., 

Work reports

Edited books (in Finnish)

Conference presentations

  • Numerous oral and written presentations at international and domestic scientific conferences


  • Member of Youth Academy Club, Finnish Acadeny if Science and Letters
  • Member of the Finalist Team of the Social Innovation Solution 100 (Sitra) Idea Competition and Participation in the Accelerator of the Competition (The idea of the competition: MunStepit – Steps for Young People to Make Dreams in Life after Elementary School)

International participation

  • Visiting researcher, University of Portsmouth, 2004
  • Numerous entries in international cooperation, e.g. workshops and meetings.

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