Natalia Skogberg

Natalia Skogberg

Title: Head of the team (1st August 2024 onwards), chief researcher
Tel. +358 29 524 7916
Email: [email protected]


  • Health and wellbeing of migrant origin populations and asylum seekers
  • Equity during crises and exceptional situations
  • Mainstreaming cultural diversity

Primary duties

  • Head of the cultural diversity team (1st August 2024 onwards), chief researcher
  • Member of THL's Expert Group for Cultural Diversity (MONET)


  • 2024–, Specialist Qualification in Management and Business Management, Omnia
  • 2024, Adjunct professor in Public Health (title of Docent), University of Helsinki
  • 2023, SPARK Resilience Programme facilitator, Positran
  • 2022–, Master in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology (MAPPCP), University of East London
  • 2022, Conflict resolution training, Attias Consulting
  • 2019, PhD in Public Health, University of Helsinki
  • 2018, Further Qualification in First-line Management, Omnia
  • 2010, Master in Health Sciences, Gerontology and Public Health, University of Jyväskylä
  • 2008, Bachelor in Social Work (geronome), Arcada University of Applied Sciences

Work experience

  • 8/2024–, Head of the cultural diversity team, THL
  • 6/2024–, chief researcher, THL
  • 2020–6/2024, Research manger, THL
  • 2017–2019, Project manager, THL
  • 2014–2017, Researcher, THL
  • 2014–2017, PhD researcher, Doctoral Programme in Population Health (DocPop), University of Helsinki
  • 2010–2012, Research coordinator, THL


  • Russian (native)
  • Finnish (excellent)
  • English (excellent)

Ongoing projects

  • Agency - services that promote equity, antidiscrimination and participation
  • EU Joint Action for Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes (JACARDI)
  • EU Joint Action on Prevention of Non-communible disease (JAPreventNCD)

Previous projects

Current Positions of Trust

  • 2023–, Acting vice president, European Public Health Association, Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health Section
  • 2022–, Finnish Society for Social Medicine, vice chair of the board 
  • 2022–, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland,  national steering committee for the functional everyday life for migrants 
  • 1/2022–3/2023, National focal point for Finland: WHO European Programme of Work 2020-2025 United Action for Better Health in Europe, Behavioural and cultural insights
  • 2021–, city of Helsinki, Being a Parent in Finland pilot, steering committee 
  • 2020–2023, steering committee participation in national projects: Invisible Power Resource, The Central Organization of Russian-Speaking People in Finland; Joy from Food Project, Finnish Heart Association and Ruukku ry; Let's Encourage! Project, Vantaa Russian Club, Saha Association, East Vantaa Somali Cultural Association, and Hakunila International Association.
  • 4/2018–4/2023, Filoksenia ry, member of the board 
  • 2018–2021, International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities' Survey Data Network (COST Action)
  • 2017–2021, Statistics Finland, collaborative group for migration statistics 



Key recent scientific publications

Book articles (in Finnish)

About 40 chapters in reports and compilations, e.g.:

Journal articles


Edited books (in Finnish)


Conference presentations

  • Numerous oral and poster presentation at international conferences, including the European Public Health Conference ja Biennial Conference of the European Society for Health and Medical Sociology (ESHMS), European Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health.

Honours and recognitions

  • Recognition for Democracy 2021, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice and the Association of Finnish Municipalities to the Multilingual Covid-19 task force (role: lead of task force).
  • Communications Award 2021, THL to Multilingual Covid-19 task force (role: lead of task force)
  • Research article of the year, 2020, Finnish Dental Journal to Hepola A-M, Erkkola M, Bergman P, Skogberg N, Heimonen A. 

International participation

  • 2023, 2024, abstract review scientific committee, European Public Health Conference
  • 2023, abstract review committee, Long-Term Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Society", Bergen, Norway, 27.10.2023.
  • 2023–, HealthIntro -project steering committee, The Arctiv University of Norway
  • Panelist, Saluteglobale and Geneva Global Health Hub Policy debate on migration: "Not an option! Migrants’ journey across the Mediterranean migration, 16.5.2023.
  • Senior expert, WHO Europe, Action plan for refugee and migrant health in the WHO European Region for 2023–2030, Larnaca, Kypros, 25–26.4.2023.
  • 5th WHO Collaborating Centers on Migration and Health networking meeting Rome, Italy, 24–25.11.2022.
  • Senior expert, WHO 72nd session of the Regional Committee for Europe, Tel Aviv, Israel, 12–14.9.2022.
  • Invited webinar lecture, WHO Europe: “Collecting and integrating data on refugee and migrant health in Finland”, 27.1.2021.
  • 2021– Nordic Health Literacy Network, Nordic Welfare Center. 
  • Invited lecture, 12th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health, Bergen, Norway: “The corona pandemic–what can we learn for migration as a determinant of health?”, 30.9.2021.


  • Kaava Coaching & Consulting, owner, entrepreneur, positive psychology trainer and coach
  • Pure Dining Oy, vice chair of the board

In media

Multiple newspaper interviews, for example for Yle, Helsingin Sanomat, Hufvudstadsbladet, Ilta-Sanomat, Iltalehti.

TV appearances:

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