School Health Promotion study



Unit at THL:

Welfare Epidemiology and Monitoring


The nationwide School Health Promotion (SHP) study monitors the well-being, health and schoolwork of Finnish children and adolescents since 1996. The aim of the SHP study is to strengthen the planning and evaluation of health promotion activities at school, municipal, regional and national levels.


The data are gathered as a census study every second year by an anonymous and voluntary classroom administered questionnaire.

Number of respondents (n) and national coverage (%) by school level (2023):

  • grades 4 and 5 of basic education (9-11 years old), n=95 523 (77%) (since 2017)
  • grades 8 and 9 of basic education (14-16 years old), n=87 147 (70%) (since 1996)
  • 1st and 2nd year students in upper secondary school (17-19 years old), n=44 862 (68%) (since 1999)
  • 1st and 2nd year students in vocational institutions n=19 215 (28%) (since 2008)

The SHP study data collection has been assessed by Institutional review board of The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) in 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2024.

The questionnaire

The topics of the questionnaire are living conditions, schoolwork, health, health related behavior and school health services. The questionnaire is continuously being developed. Still, many of the questions have remained the same for over 20 years, so as to maintain comparability.
The questionnaires

Reports and results of the study

See the main results in statistical reports:

The results are presented at different levels. Regional and national results are made available in: - Statistical information on welfare and health in Finland.

The SHP data has also been used in many scientific articles.
See publications (in Finnish)

Utilization of the results

The study gives an opportunity to monitor trends and assess differences in well-being between genders and areas (municipalities, wellbeing services counties). In school settings, the results can be utilized in the planning and evaluating of health education and co-operation between different professionals and students. The results are also utilized in research and in different welfare programs, strategies and policies.