Preliminary inquiries
Feasibility studies and availability queries to biobank material
Before submitting a completely new research project application, you might want to do a preliminary query on THL Biobank sample and data availability. These queries are recommended for researchers who are not familiar with THL Biobank’s sample collections. If you are familiar with THL Biobank resources, you can skip this step and directly submit your application through our Application Portal REMS. Below is a more detailed description where to find information on THL Biobank resources and how to submit a feasibility study proposal or ask about biobank sample and data availability for your research idea.
You can enquire the availability of biobank material from all public biobanks operating in Finland (six hospital biobanks and THL Biobank) by submitting a joint feasibility request using FINBB's Fingenious service.
Fingenious Service
Available sample and data types
THL Biobank provides information on its sample collections and describes the available sample and datatypes on its webpages. THL Biobank also aims to provide detailed information on sample-related data items at KITE availability database.
THL Biobank sample collection descriptions
Linking data from national health registers
Health-related information from national registers can be linked to THL Biobank’s sample donors, thus complementing the samples and data available through the biobank. Currently, for availability query purposes THL Biobank has access to diagnoses (ICD10 codes) from national Hospital discharge Registry (HILMO) for all biobank's sample donors. However THL Biobank is not authorized to approve researchers' access to this data, but the linkage of the register data to the biobank sample donors can be done by a separate application process.
In case the planned project is carried out, project-specific register permissions are required from relevant register officials before starting the project, in addition to the biobank approval. The work done in the preliminary inquiry phase can be utilized later when extracting the data for the study.
Extensive inquiries as a service
Please note that the processing of inquiries and making feasibility studies is a service provided by THL Biobank. Biobank will be in contact if the inquiry is estimated to be extensive and therefore chargeable. It is recommended to get familiarized with the THL Biobank Access Policy and Service Prices prior to the inquiry.
Services and prices
Principles of access
Contact information
In case of any questions or other inquiries, please contact us via e-mail.
We are happy to help you!
admin.biobank (at)
A joint availability query to THL Biobank and all hospital biobanks operating in Finland can be submitted using FINBB's Fingenious service.