Children, adolescents and families
Family life in the new country may be very different to what it was in one’s original home country. Although the support of relatives and acquaintances is often lacking, Finnish society can help with childcare and family challenges.
It is important that everyone in the family feels safe. Discussing things and supporting one another helps to strengthen the family.
Young people often think about who they are and what to do with their life.
In this video, adolescents talk about
- what things support good health
- what opportunities adolescents have in Finland.
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Do you want to know more?
In this video, people who have immigrated talk about what it's like to live in two cultures as a child. How can parents support their children in their new home country?
In Finland, children and adolescents have a lot of hobbies. In this video, you will hear parental tips on how to support children’s hobbies.