
PALOMA Training is free, web-based and comprehensive training package, which gives you basic information about encountering people with refugee background and fostering their wellbeing. The users of this training are for example educational institutions and students, professionals from distinct disciplines, voluntary workers and anyone interested in this theme. This training can be used in e.g. orientation and training of employees or as study/teaching material in an educational institution. 

The training consists of 16 variously themed videos. The first of the videos is a Short Documentary called A New Home Country (Uusi kotimaa), which describes the path of integration and welfare narrated by Finns whom have a refugee background. This is followed by fifteen approximately 20-minute presentations, where experts talk about phenomenons associated with refugeeism from a professional point of view.  All of the videos have been subtitled in Finnish, Swedish and English. A related training package is available only in Finnish.

The training is based on a comprehensive handbook (PALOMA-käsikirja) for professional advancement of refugees’ mental health and well-being, written in the National Development Project for Improving Mental Health Services for Refugees (PALOMA). PALOMA Training has been produced in cooperation with THL’s PALOMA project and the Sylvia project of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland. The projects are funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).

  1. Refugees, Mental Health and Integration
  2. Diverse Population of Finland
  3. Work Approaches for Working with Refugees
  4. Working with an Interpreter
  5. Resources and Risks of Mental Health
  6. Recognizing Mental Health Problems and Using Cultural Interview
  7. Empathy and Compassion Fatique
  8. Victims of Torture, Human Trafficking and Violence
  9. Sexual Violence & Other Forms of Risk Behaviour
  10. Undocumented Immigrants & Multiple Minorities
  11. Children's, Young People's and Families' Viewpoints
  12. Primary Health Care Belongs to All
  13. Specialised Medical Care Perspective
  14. Working with Refugees from a Social Worker's Viewpoint
  15. Refugees as Clients from the Viewpoint of the Police & Promoting Refugees' Mental Health from the Viewpoint of Education



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