GeneRISK Study

The GeneRISK Study is an ongoing prospective observational study focusing on genetic risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and on utilizing genetic information in preventing diseases. The main goal of the GeneRISK Study is to test the longitudinal impact of communicating personal genome-based disease risk information directly to the study participants.

The study is coordinated by the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM, University of Helsinki). 7342 randomly selected 45-65-year old individuals were recruited during 2015-2017 from Southern Finland through CAREA, Mehiläinen Oy and the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service. Baseline samples and data were collected during 2015-2018. Participant follow-up is still ongoing.

Samples and data available in THL Biobank

Participants of the GeneRISK Study gave an informed consent for THL Biobank, which allows the use of the samples and data also in biobank research. A brief introduction to the GeneRISK Study and description of the material available in THL Biobank can be found in the 'Read me first' file.

High quality samples (DNA, EDTA-plasma and serum) and an extensive amount of data (collected by health examinations, interviews and questionnaires) from more than 7300 GeneRISK participants, is now available from THL Biobank for researchers to apply. For more detailed sample information, please see the 'THL Biobank Sample availability table'.

Detailed list of attributes available in the biobank can be found in the variable descriptions file.

Genome-wide SNP data is also available for majority of the study participants, for more detailed information, please see the 'THL Biobank Omics availability table'.

Additional information

Read more on the GeneRISK website (in Finnish)

Access to samples and data

Availability queries and application process to access THL Biobank resources


admin.biobank (at)


Collected during 2015-2018

Focus on determination of risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in healthy population and utilization of  genetic and traditional risk factor information in disease prevention

High quality DNA, serum and plasma from more than 7300 sample donors (45-65y)

Large amount of data available

Genome-wide SNP data available

'Read me first' file

Variable descriptions

Biological Samples Available in THL Biobank

Omics data available in THL Biobank