Migraine Study

The Migraine Family Study is focused on identifying variation in genes that are associated with migraine, headache-related symptoms and chronic disease risk factors.

Migraine is a paroxysmal disease. A migraine attack can be triggered by several environmental factors such as stress, fatigue and different sensory stimuli. Studies have revealed that there are also some hereditary risk-factors that are related to migraine susceptibility and the tendency to have migraine seems to occur in families. However, multiple genetic alterations are needed for the migraine being prevalent, since the effect of one genetic alteration is usually very small.

The Migraine Family Study is, as far as we know, one of the largest family collections of migraine research. DNA samples and/or data has been received from almost 10 000 individuals, and DNA samples are available for research  from most of the participants through THL Biobank. The data includes  information on migraine diagnosis based on questionnaire data.

The samples have been collected since 1992 as part of research collaboration between Helsinki University and Helsinki University Central Hospital. The sample collection includes persons who have been diagnosed with migraine and their family-members. The research is still ongoing and new study participants are actively recruited.

Samples and data available in THL Biobank

More information on the Migraine Family Study can be found in the 'Read me first' file (right panel).

DNA sample is available from most of the participants through THL Biobank. For more detailed information, please see the 'THL Biobank Sample availability table'.

Genome-wide SNP data is available for majority of the study participants, and genome- and/or exome-wide sequence data is also available for selection of sample donors. For more detailed information, please see the 'THL Biobank Omics availability table'.

In addition to the DNA samples and genetic data, also information on migraine diagnosis based on questionnaire data is available in the biobank. Detailed list of attributes available in the biobank can be found in the variable descriptions file.

Additional information

Read more on the Migraine Study from the Institute of Molecular Medicine in Finland (FIMM)’s website

Access to samples and data

Availability queries and application process to access THL Biobank resources


admin.biobank (at) thl.fi


Collected since 1992, collection is still ongoing

Nearly 10 000 participants including family members

Participants are aged 1-100+ y at the time of sampling

Focus on genetic risk factors of migraine and on utilizing genetic information in diseases

GWAS, WGS and WES data available

'Read me first' file

Variable descriptions

Biological Samples Available in THL Biobank

Omics data available in THL Biobank