Corogene Study

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common cause of death globally. Although the death rate from coronary disease has been decreasing during the last years, the prevalence of new risk factors, such as obesity and diabetes, are increasing.  

Corogene study is a large cohort study that involves samples and data of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and other related heart diseases, such as heart failure and aortic valve disease. The objective of this still ongoing study is to understand risk factors affecting the development and degree of heart diseases.

Corogene study includes nearly 5300 consecutive patients assigned for coronary angiogram at the Helsinki University Central hospital during a 20-month period (June 2006 to March 2008). Patients of non-Finnish origin, previous heart transplantation, low haemoglobin or previous blood transfusion during the same hospitalization were excluded from the study.

Samples and data available in THL Biobank

A more detailed introduction to the Corogene Study and description of the material available in THL Biobank can be found in the 'Read me first' file.

DNA sample from all participants of the Corogene Study is available through THL Biobank, for more detailed information, please see the 'THL Biobank Sample availability table'.

Genome-wide SNP data is available for a majority of the study participants, for more detailed information, please see the 'THL Biobank Omics availability table'.

Detailed list of attributes available in the biobank can be found in the variable descriptions file.

Additional information

Cohort Profile: The Corogene study 
Satu Vaara, Markku S Nieminen, Marja-Liisa Lokki, Markus Perola, Pirkko J Pussinen, Jaakko Allonen, Olavi Parkkonen, Juha Sinisalo.
International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 41, Issue 5, October 2012, Pages 1265–1271.

Access to samples and data

Availability queries and application process to access THL Biobank resources


admin.biobank (at)


Collected during 2006-2008

DNA and selected data from nearly 5300 sample donors available from THL Biobank

Age of participants  65.6 ±11.1 years at the time of sampling

Focus on genetic and epigenetic risk factors of CAD

Genome-wide SNP data available

'Read me first' file

Variable descriptions

Biological Samples Available in THL Biobank

Omics data available in THL Biobank