Sterilisations 2023
Number of sterilisations stayed stable
In 2023, the total number of sterilisations was approximately 2900 which was approximately as much as in 2022. However, especially the number of female sterilisations has declined significantly during the 2000’s and declined also in 2023 (-18.2%). As for male sterilisations, the number increased slightly in 2023 (+6.4%).
The proportion of male sterilisations has increased considerably during the 2000s. In 2000, only 17 per cent of all sterilisations were performed to men while in 2023 the share was 75.7 per cent.
The decrease in the number of sterilisations after mid-1990’s can be attributed to, for example, an expanding range of contraceptives and postponing parenthood. The increase in the number of sterilisations after year 1985 is explained by the updated, more liberal legislation.
Women sterilised are on average younger than men sterilised: in 2023, the mean age for women was 36.7 years and the mean age for men 40.7 years.
For the 2032 data there are some known data quality issues for some hospitals, but the total number of procedures is in line with the data in the Hospital Care Register. However, the register coverage should be treated with caution.
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Background information
Description of statistics
The statistics on sterilisations include data on legally performed sterilisations. The statistics include trend data from 1951 onwards. Since 1987, the data have been kept in an electronic database.
The data reported to the Registry of Sterilisations include, among others, outcomes of previous pregnancies, contraceptive method in use prior to sterilisation, grounds for sterilisation, method of sterilisation and early complications.
The statistics are published once a year and include data for the previous year.
Steriloinnit 2023
Steriliseringar 2023
Sterilisations 2023
Statistical Report 29/2024, 5th June 2024.
Official Statistics of Finland, Sterilisations. THL.
More information
Anna Heino
Tel. +358 29 524 7177
Mika Gissler
Tel. +358 29 524 7279
E-mail address: [email protected]