Congenital Malformations 2021

Prevalence of malformations has remained stable

In Finland, major congenital malformations were found in a total of 2,287 stillborn and live born infants in 2021. Malformations were diagnosed in 4.6 per cent of live born and 7.9 per cent of stillborn infants. Of infants who were stillborn or died during their first year of life, a total of 17.0 per cent were diagnosed with a congenital malformation.

The total prevalence of malformation cases (per births and terminations of pregnancy performed for fetal indications) was 530/10,000 births in 2021. In 2012—2021, the annual total prevalence of malformation cases was on average 538/10,000 births, or an average of 2,835 cases a year.

In 2021, 349 pregnancies were terminated because of fetal malformations. The prevalence of terminations of pregnancy for fetal indications was 70/10,000 births in 2021, whereas this figure was on average 66/10,000 births a year in 2012–2021. Of major congenital malformation cases, 13.2 per cent  were terminations of pregnancy for fetal indications in 2021, and this proportion has changed little in 2012–2021.

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In 2012—2021, the annual total prevalence of malformation cases was on average 538/10,000 births, or an average of 2,835 cases a year.
Prevalence of cases with major congenital malformations (1/10,000 births) in 2012–2021 (births and selective terminations of pregnancy are included in the total prevalence).


Background information

Description of statistic

The Statistical Report contains information on births and foetuses with congenital anomalies. It includes numbers and prevalence rates for congenital anomalies, on an annual basis, both nationally and by hospital district. Statistics on all congenital anomalies are given in total, while certain anomalies, monitored internationally, are analyzed in more detail. Statistics on infant mortality associated with congenital anomalies and selective terminations of pregnancy are presented.

Data on congenital anomalies are gathered from hospitals, health-care professionals and other national health registers. Statistical data are used for monitoring congenital anomalies nationally and regionally, and among other purposes, for planning prenatal screening, diagnostics and treatment of congenital /  foetal anomalies as well as for conducting research on congenital anomalies.


Synnynnäiset epämuodostumat 2021
Medfödda missbildningar 2021
Congenital Malformations 2021

Statistical report 37/2024, 12th June 2024.
Official Statistics of Finland, Congenital Malformations.THL. OSF-logo

More information

Sonja Kiuru-Kuhlefelt
Tel. +358 29 524 7524

E-mail address: [email protected]

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