Finnish IPF Study

The Finnish IPF study is a national clinical trial of idiopatic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients launched at the Helsinki University Central hospital in 2012. The original study includes nearly 900 IPF patients from Finland. The aim of this ongoing study is to study and monitor the prognosis and course of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in a standardized manner, and to investigate the incidence of the disease in Finland.

The FinnishIPF cohort includes patients with confirmed IPF diagnosis. The participants were originally identified from the hospital registers by ICD-10 diagnosis code J84.1 1 (other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis) and J84.9 (interstitial pulmonary disease). All included patients meet the ATS/ERS statement´s diagnostic criteria for IPF (Raghu et al, Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;183:788–824).

Samples and data available in THL Biobank

In 2017, FinnishIPF study started to collect biobank consent from the new sample donors.More information on the FinnishIPF Study and description of the material available in THL Biobank can be found in the 'Read me first' file.

DNA sample is available from all participants and , serum and PBMCs from subset. For more detailed sample information, please see the 'THL Biobank Sample availability table'.

Phenotype data attributes available for biobank research  are found in the variable descriptions file

Genome-wide SNP data is available for majority of the study participants in the Finnish IPF Study. For more detailed information, please see the 'THL Biobank Omics availability table'.

Access to samples and data

Availability queries and application process to access THL Biobank resources


admin.biobank (at)


Biobank samples collected from 2017 onwards

Age of participants 43-95 y

Focus in monitoring the prognosis and course of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

DNA from over 300 sample donors 

Serum and PBMC samples from subset

Genome-wide SNP data available

'Read me first' file

Variable descriptions

Biological Samples Available in THL Biobank

Omics data available in THL Biobank