Anna-Mari Aalto
Official title: Chief expert/head of the team
Tel. +358 29 524 7252
E-mail: [email protected]
- Service system reserach (Social and health care), population and user experiences
- Older people services and informal care
- Health related quality of life
Primary duties
- managerial tasks and supervision
- service system research, population survey
- Health promotion of elderly people and informal care givers, assessment of development projects
- 2005, Docent of social psychology: social psychology, University of Helsinki,
- 1999, PhD, social psychology, University of Helsinki,
- 1989, Master of science, social psychology, University of Helsinki
Professional background
- 2021 - Chief expert/head of the team, National Institute for Health and Welfare
- 2009-2020, research manager/ head of the unit, National Institute for Health and Welfare
Current projects
- 2024- health promotin for older people and informal caregivers
- 2015- Population surveys of THL (FinSote, Healthy Finland)