Laura Hietapakka
Official title: Researcher
Tel. +358 29 524 7404
E-mail: [email protected]
- Health services research
- Organizational psychology
- Social network analysis (SNA)
Primary duties
- Research
- Research coordination
- 2020- Doctoral researcher, social sciences (social psychology), University of Helsinki
- 2014 Master of social sciences, social psychology, University of Helsinki
- 2002 Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Helsinki University of Applied Sciences (Stadia)
Language skills
- Finnish (native)
- English (excellent)
Current projects
2021–2024 Toimivatko sote-keskukset – näkökulmana erilaiset toimintamallit, yhteistyöverkostot ja henkilöstön hyvinvointi -tutkimushanke [How do the health and social services centres work? Examining collaborative primary health care networks from the perspective of social network analysis]
Previous projects
- 2019–2020, Paljon palveluja tarvitsevien tunnistaminen (PAPATA-hanke)
- 2016–2019, Osaavan työvoiman varmistaminen sote-murroksessa (COPE-hanke)
- 2014–2016, Valinnanvapauden muotoutuminen sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa (VALVA-hanke)
- 2011–2013, Ulkomaalaistaustaiset lääkärit ja hoitajat suomalaisessa terveydenhuollossa
Publications and research
Scientific research articles
- Väisänen, V., Luke-Currier, A., Hietapakka, L., Elovainio, M. & Sinervo, T. (2024). Collaboration and perceived job demands, job control and social support in primary care: a social network approach. Journal of Integrated Care, Vol. 32 No. 5, pp. 109–121.
- Elovainio, M., Hietapakka, L., Gutvilig, M., Niemi, R., Komulainen, K., Pulkki-Råback, L., Väisänen, V., Sinervo, T. & Hakulinen, C. (2024). Variation in patient-sharing network characteristics of health care professionals treating different mental and substance use disorder patient sub-groups in primary care. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 2024;0(0).
- Hietapakka, L., Elovainio, M., Wesolowska, K., Aalto, A. M., Kaihlanen, A. M., Sinervo, T. & Heponiemi, T. (2019). Testing the psychometric properties of the Finnish version of the cross-cultural competence instrument of healthcare professionals (CCCHP). BMC Health Services Research, 19 (1), 294.
- Wesołowska, K., Hietapakka, L., Elovainio, M., Aalto, A-M., Kaihlanen, A-M., Heponiemi, T. (2018). The association between cross-cultural competence and well-being among registered native and foreign-born nurses in Finland. PLoS ONE 13(12).
- Hietapakka L., Elovainio M., Heponiemi T., Kuokkanen L., Presseau J., Eccles M., Aalto A-M., Pekkarinen L, & Sinervo T. (2013). Do nurses who work in a fair organization sleep and perform better and why? Testing the potential psychosocial mediators of organizational justice. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 18, 481–491.
Conference presentations
- Hietapakka, L., Sinervo, T., Elovainio, M. Patient-sharing relationships among primary healthcare professionals taking care of patients with mental health problems or substance abuse. Posteri, International Journal of Integrated Care 23(S1):553 DOI:, 23rd International Conference on Integrated Care (ICIC23), Antwerp, Flanders 22.-24.5.2023.
- Hietapakka, L., Sinervo, T., Lehtoaro, S., Kaihlanen, A., Laulainen, S., Niiranen, V., Juujärvi, S. Essential competences of the practitioners in the changing health and social sector in Finland. 11th European Public Health Conference, Slovenia, Ljubljana 28.11-1.12.2018.
- Elovainio M., Hietapakka L., Aalto A-M., Heponiemi T., & Kuusio H. Foreign nurses in Finland: motivations for migration and integration to working life. Posteri, 5th European Public Health –konferenssi, Malta 8.-10.11.2012.