Markku Satokangas
Year of birth: 1981
Official title: Senior researcher
Tel. + 358 29 524 7725
E-mail: [email protected]
- Equity in health care
- Register-based research
- Health services research
- Hospitalisations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC)
Primary duties
- Research of geographic equity in health care
- Evaluation of health care system
- 2021, PhD, University of Helsinki
- 2018, Specialist in general practise, University of Helsinki
- 2008, MD, University of Helsinki
Professional background
- 2021–, senior researcher, THL
- 2019–2020, researcher, THL
- 2018, doctoral student, University of Helsinki
- 2017, researcher, THL
- 2016–2017, specialising physician, HUS
- 2008–2015, general practitioner, Helsingin kaupunki
Language skills
- Finnish (native)
- English (excellent)
- Swedish (fair)
Current projects
- 2023–, For whom are health systems designed? Political determinants of health and equity in the context of a health system reform in Finland (POLDEQUITY)
- 2022–, The role of occupational healthcare usage in the set of health services available for working-aged in Finland
Previous projects
- 2021–2023, Resilience, crisis preparedness and security of supply of the Finnish health system (RECPHEALS)
- 2018–2023, Improved knowledge base and service optimisation to health and social services (IMPRO)
- 2015–2022, Social Inequities in Aging (SIA)
- 2014–2019. Gauge for Primary Health Care – Ambulatory care sensitive conditions in assessing performance of primary care services
- 2023–, Visiting researcher, University of Helsinki
- 2022–, Board member, The Finnish Association for General Practice
- 2013–2021, Deputy board member, The Finnish Association for General Practice
- 2012–2014, Deputy delegation member, Junior Doctors' Association in Finland
- 2010–2012, Delegation member, Finnish Medical Association
Publications and research
Satokangas, M. (2021). Geographic equity in primary health care performance in Finland – from individual socioeconomic position into the blind spot of the service system. University of Helsinki, Helsinki.
Scientific research articles
- Satokangas, M., Arffman, M., Agerholm, J., Thielen, K., Hougaard, C. Ø., Andersen, I., Burström, B., & Keskimäki, I. (2023). Performing up to Nordic principles? Geographic and socioeconomic equity in ambulatory care sensitive conditions among older adults in capital areas of Denmark, Finland and Sweden in 2000–2015. BMC health services research, 23(1), 835.
- Manderbacka, K., Satokangas, M., Arffman, M., Reissell, E., Keskimäki, I., & Leyland, A. H. (2022). Explaining regional variation in elective hip and knee arthroplasties in Finland 2010 − 2017—a register-based cohort study. BMC health services research, 22(1), 891.
- Satokangas M, Arffman M, Antikainen H, Leyland A H, Keskimäki I. (2021). Individual and area-level factors contributing to the geographic variation in ambulatory care sensitive conditions in Finland: a register-based study. Medical care, 59(2), 123-130.
- Manderbacka K, Arffman M, Satokangas M, Keskimäki I. (2019). Regional variation of avoidable hospitalisations in a universal health care system: a register-based cohort study from Finland 1996−2013. BMJ open, 9(7), e029592.
- Satokangas M, Lumme S, Arffman M, Keskimäki I. (2019). Trajectory modelling of ambulatory care sensitive conditions in Finland in 1996–2013: assessing the development of equity in primary health care through clustering of geographic areas – an observational retrospective study. BMC health services research, 19(1), 629.
Journal articles
- Satokangas, M., Arffman, M., Koskela, T., Hetemaa, T., & Keskimäki, I. (2023). Vältettävissä olevien sairaalahoitojaksojen mittari tukee perusterveydenhuollon suoriutumisen arviointia. Suomen Lääkärilehti, 78: e34914.
- Satokangas, M. (2020). Väestörakenteen alueelliset erot sekoittavat terveyskeskusten välisten laatuerojen arvioimista. Yleislääkärilehti, 35(1), 28-31.
Other publications
- Satokangas, M., Arffman, M., Kivimäki, I., Turunen, J., Reissell, E., Soini, S., Nissinen, S., Lumme, S. (2024). The role of occupational healthcare usage in the set of health services available for working-aged in Finland: forming a situational picture of the data in the Register of Primary Health Care Visits [in Finnish] Discussion Paper 28/2024, THL.
- Paananen, H., Satokangas, M., Karreinen, S., Paatela, S., Huhtakangas, M., Keskimäki, I., & Tynkkynen, L.-K. (2023). Integraation ulottuvuudet hyvinvointialuestrategioissa. THL.
- Terveyspalvelujen oikeudenmukaisuus edellyttää paikkatietoista politiikkaa.