Kristiina Janhonen
Official title: Senior Researcher
Tel. + 358 29 524 7276
E-mail: [email protected]
- Qualitative research
- Quantitative research
- Multiprofessional collaboration
- Co-development
- Learning and interaction
- Participation
- Health systems
- School meals and food education
Primary duties
- 2022– Safeguarding welfare during health crises (WELGO)
- 2023- Joint Action Prevent NCD – Reducing Europe’s cancer and NCD burden
- 2022, Title of Docent (home economics science), University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational sciences
- 2016, Doctor of Education, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational sciences
- 2009, Master of Education (home economics teacher), University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational sciences
Professional background
- 2020–2022, postdoctoral researcher, responsible researcher (PI), Academy of Finland and University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences
- 2019–2020, postdoctoral researcher, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences
- 2018, university lecturer in home economics pedagogy, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences
- 2017, postdoctoral researcher (research grant), visiting researcher (12 months), Finnish Youth Research Network
- 2017, university lecturer, our-based teacher, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences
- 2016, postdoctoral researcher (research grant), visiting researcher (1 month), University of Sheffield, UK
- 2016, university lecturer, our-based teacher, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences
- 2011–2015, doctoral student, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences
- 2010, researcher (research grant for doctoral dissertation)
- 2009, research assistant (2 months), University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences
Language skills
- Finnish (native)
- English (excellent)
- Swedish (good, second home language)
- French (fair)
Current projects
2022– Safeguarding welfare during health crises (WELGO)
Previous projects
- 2022–2023 “They should be tested like banks are” – Resilience, crisis preparedness and security of supply of the Finnish health system (RECPHEALS)
- 2020–2022, Promoting food sense through school meals (FOODSENSE)
- 2019–2022, Suomalainen ravitsemus- ja ruokakasvatus 1990-luvulta 2020-luvulle
- 2017, Digital youth: Learning in informal social spaces
- 2015–2016, Food for life: learning in informal social contexts
Professional memberships
- Member of the theme group “Food education, nutrition guidance and communication” for updating the Finnish Nutrition Recommendations, the National Nutrition Council (VRN), 11/2023−11/2024.
- Member of the working group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland for advancing the government’s school meal program (1.11.2022−31.3.2023).
Docent, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences
Scientific research articles (most recent)
- Karreinen, S., Janhonen, K. Kihlström, L., Paananen, H., Viita-aho, M. &Tynkkynen, L.K. (2024). Resilience in Local Finnish Health Systems: How Are Leaders’ Approaches to Change Manifested in Organisational Crisis Responses? Journal of Health Organization and Management, Accepted for publication.
- Kouhia, A. & Janhonen, K. (2024). Donating stuff on an online marketplace: Material sense in citizens’ creative waste management, Home Cultures, Accepted for publication.
- Janhonen, K., Viita-aho, M., Huhtakangas, M., Kihlström, L., Keskimäki, I. & Tynkkynen, L.K. (2024). Resilienssi terveysjärjestelmien tutkimuksessa: Kartoittava katsaus resilienssistä käsitteenä, Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti, 61, 2. (in Finnish)
- Karreinen S, Paananen H, Kihlström L, Janhonen K, Huhtakangas M, Viita-aho M, Tynkkynen LK.(2023). Living through uncertainty: a qualitative study on leadership and resilience in primary healthcare during COVID-19. BMC Health Services
- Janhonen, K. & Lalli, G. (2023). School mealtime as a pedagogical event (pages 13). In: Lalli, G.S., Turner, A., & Rutland, M. (Eds.). Food Futures in Education and Society (1st ed.).
- Janhonen, K., Olsson, C. & Waling, M. (2023). Collaborative participation in a home economics context: Using school meals as a part of sustainable education, Education inquiry.
- Janhonen, K. & Elkjaer, B. (2022). Exploring sustainable food education as multi-professional collaboration between home economics and school food services. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 16, (1-2), 19-41.
Book contributions (most recent)
Janhonen, K., Manninen, M. & Hjälmeskog, K. (2024). Sustainable food education in Finnish Schools through Collaborative Pedagogy. In Gaddis, J. & Robert, S. (Eds.). Transforming School Food Politics around the world.
More publications
Publications of Kristiina Janhonen more broadly at
The research portal of University of Helsinki