Social protection expenditure and financing 2023
Compared to the previous year, social protection expenditure increased by 2% to EUR 87 billion
Finland's social protection expenditure totalled EUR 87 billion in 2023. The increase in this expenditure was 2 per cent in real terms from previous year. The per capita expenditure was EUR 15,580. Social protection expenditure in relation to the GDP grew by 1.6 percentage points from previous year to 31.7%.
Old-age-related expenditure accounted for the greatest share of social protection expenditure (43%). Old-age-related expenditure totalled EUR 38 billion. The second greatest share of social protection expenditure accounted for the main category Sickness and health (23%). Sickness and health related expenditure totalled EUR 20 billion. The expenditure of the main category of Family and children totalled EUR 9 billion, which is 10% of total expenditure on social protection. Disability-related expenditure totalled EUR 8 billion. Unemployment-related expenditure totalled EUR 4 billion. Housing-related expenditure totalled EUR 3 billion. The expenditure of the main category of Survivors totalled EUR 2 billion and the expenditure of the main category of Other social protection totalled EUR 3 billion.
In 2023, the share of central government’s funding for social protection expenditure was 45%. Municipalities’ share of financing was 4%. Employers’ share of financing was 30% and the share of financing of insured persons was 15%. 6% of the financing was covered by capital income from different social protection funds.
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Background information
- Quality description (SFO)
- Previous statistical report (2022)Link to an external websiteAvautuu uudessa välilehdessä
Description of statistics
The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) annually collects data on social protection expenditure and its financing based on the costs and financing of social activities by the central government, municipalities, non-profit associations, and other organisations. The data are reported at the national level.
Key data sources for the statistics on social protection expenditure and financing are Kelasto statistical database of the Social Insurance Institution (Kela), Finnish Centre for Pensions (statistical reports and statistical database), Statistical Finland (Local government finances, National Accounts), Financial Supervisory Authority and State Treasury.
Data on social protection expenditure and financing are also retrieved from many other organisations' annual accounts and similar data sources.
Sosiaaliturvan menot ja rahoitus 2023
Utgifter för det sociala skyddet samt utgifternas financienring 2023
Social protection expenditure and financing 2023
Statistical report 2/2025, 30th January 2025
Official Statistics of Finland, Social protection expenditure and financing. THL.
More information
Tuuli Puroharju
Tel. +358 29 524 7042
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