Health and welfare promotion
THL maintains statistics on the use and coverage of preventive services in outpatient primary health care and oral health care. The topic also includes the statistical and research data received from different kinds of surveys.
The adult population’s well-being and health statistics describes the well-being, health and experiences of health and social services of adults residing in Finland and changes that have taken place in them. The statistics are produced from the data of the sample-based Healthy Finland survey. The survey was implemented for the first time in 2022 and it combines the previous survey FinSote and the health examination study FinTerveys.
Indicator data available in Sotkanet
Statistic name in Finnish
Aikuisväestön hyvinvointi ja terveys – Terve Suomi
The statistic contains information on physical activity in different contexts, the prevalence of different forms of physical activity in summer and in winter, and the amount of physical activity compared with the Current Care guidelines for health-enhancing physical activity.
Summary and appended tables in English
Statistic name in Finnish
Aikuisväestön liikunta Suomessa – FinTerveys-tutkimus
The statistic describes activities that promote well-being, health, and a communal ethos in upper secondary schools. The results are used in supporting the utilisation of extensive information on well-being in the everyday lives of educational institutions and in the management of the activities of student welfare. The information is collected every two years.
Indicator data available in TEAviisari
Statistic name in Finnish
Hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden edistäminen lukioissa – TEA
The statistic focuses its examination specifically on the role and importance of municipal leaders in work promoting well-being and health in all municipal sectors. The reported information specifically describes the basic preconditions that enable the effective and working management of the promotion of well-being and health at all of the administrative levels of a municipality. The information is collected every two years.
Indicator data available in TEAviisari
Statistic name in Finnish
Hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden edistäminen kuntajohdossa – TEA
The statistic describes activities that promote well-being, health, and a communal operating culture in comprehensive schools. The results are used for supporting the utilisation of extensive information on well-being in the daily lives of schools and in the management of student welfare. The information is collected every two years.
Indicator data available in TEAviisari
Statistic name in Finnish
Hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden edistäminen peruskouluissa – TEA
The statistic contains information on the activities of municipalities in promoting exercise and in creating opportunities for exercise. The information is collected every two years.
Indicator data available in TEAviisari
Statistic name in Finnish
Liikunnan edistäminen kunnissa – TEA
The statistical report gathers statistical information and researched data on intimate partner violence in Finland.
In describing intimate partner violence, firstly the number of victims of intimate partner violence brought to the attention of the authorities and the number of homicides analysed in the monitoring system is examined.
Secondly the report collects information about the incidence of violence in the victim survey. Thirdly, the report contains information on client numbers in specialised services for intimate partner violence and operating models developed for recognising intimate partner violence.
Statistic name in Finnish
The FinRavinto study offers current information on the dietary habits, food, use of mass catering, food consumption, and nutrition among adults living in Finland. The FinRavinto study is carried out every five years.
Statistic name in Finnish
Ravitsemus Suomessa – FinRavinto-tutkimus
The FinHealth Study provides up-to-date information on factors affecting the health, performance, and well-being among adults living in Finland. Information from the study supports research on preventing and treating illness, promoting Finns’ ability to function, and their well-being, and developing health and welfare services in Finland.
The participants had a health examination and filled in questionnaires. Some of those invited were selected for an interview on nutrition or for the measurement time spent on exercise and sleep. The FinHealth study is carried out every five years.
Statistic name in Finnish
Terveys, toimintakyky ja hyvinvointi Suomessa – FinTerveys-tutkimus
The Register of Primary Health Care Visits (AvoHILMO) contains up-to-date data on preventive services in health centres including maternity and child welfare services, school and student health services, oral health services and health examinations.
Indicator data available in Sotkanet Statistics and Indicator Bank
The statistics describe the vaccination coverage of children by birth year. Vaccination coverage is reported on the national level and by wellbeing services counties and municipalities. Also, the proportion of unvaccinated children is reported. The information is based on data from the national vaccination register.
Map: Children’s vaccination coverage
Database reporting: Children's vaccination coverage
Indicator data available in Sotkanet Statistics and Indicator Bank
The annual report describes the vaccination coverage and proportion unvaccinated children turning 3 and 8 years old during the ongoing calendar year.
Statistic name in Finnish
Lasten rokotuskattavuudet
The statistic describes the health, well-being, and services of children and young people and the assistance they have received, classified according to school levels, areas, and population groups. The key part of the statistic is the information collected in the survey from primary education pupils in classes 4 and 5, and 8 and 9, from students in years 1 and 2 of both upper secondary school and vocational education institutions. The survey is conducted every two years.
Statistic name in Finnish
Lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointi – Kouluterveyskysely
The results of the statistical report are based on the collection of data for the FinLapset survey conducted in 2020. The data collection comprises the welfare, health, and functional capacity and lifestyles of families with children, the safety of the growth environment, as well as the need, availability and adequacy of services and support.
Statistic name in Finnish
Vauvaperheiden hyvinvointi – FinLapset-kyselytutkimus
The statistics describe the health, well-being, use of services, and how families with small children have experienced the services, according to region and population group. The data included in the statistics are based on the results of the national Children's Health, Well-being, and Services survey (LTH). Data collected from the parents of young children on families’ welfare forms the core of the statistics.
Statistic name in Finnish
Pienten lasten ja heidän perheidensä hyvinvointi