Social services, children, adolescents and families
THL collects annually data on services for children and families in community and health care settings as well as survey data. Indicator data on THL's statistics on children, young people and families and their services can be found in Sotkanet.
The statistic on children placed outside the home and numbers of customers in community care. For those housed outside the home, the statistic includes details on where the child or young person has been placed and how long the placement is to last. Information on community care customers classified according to age group is available on questions including the number of new customers and the number of child protection notifications that have been made.
Summary and appended tables in English
Statistic name in Finnish
The statistic includes information that is collected from local authorities twice a year. The information is collected in the wellbeing services counties in mainland Finland.
Statistic name in Finnish
Lastensuojelun sosiaalityön henkilöstömitoitus
The statistic includes information that is collected from local authorities twice a year on the implementation of time limits set in legislation. The information is collected in the wellbeing services counties in mainland Finland.
Statistic name in Finnish
Lastensuojelun käsittelyajat
The information on approved child support agreements and their size categories, agreements on caring for a child, residential arrangements, and visitation rights, as well as confirmation of parenthood is collected annually.
Statistic name in Finnish
Perheoikeudelliset palvelut
Municipalities provide information each year on the following social services for families with children:
Child and family counselling (Sotkanet)
Non-institutional social welfare services (Sotkanet)
Statistic name in Finnish
Lapsiperheiden sosiaalipalvelut
THL has published information on early education collected from municipalities and information from Kela on children cared for with the support of private care up to 2020.
Statistic name in Finnish
The statistic describes the health, well-being, and services of children and young people and the assistance they have received, classified according to school levels, areas, and population groups. The key part of the statistic is the information collected in the survey from primary education pupils in classes 4 and 5, and 8 and 9, from students in years 1 and 2 of both upper secondary school and vocational education institutions. The survey is conducted every two years.
Statistic name in Finnish
Lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointi – Kouluterveyskysely
The statistic describes the health and well-being of young people, classified according to school levels, areas, and population groups. The key part of the statistic is the information collected in the survey from primary education pupils in classes 8 and 9, from students in years 1 and 2 of both upper secondary school and vocational education institutions. The survey is conducted every two years.
Statistic name in Finnish
Nuorten arki – Kouluterveyskysely
The results of the statistical report are based on the collection of data for the FinLapset survey conducted in 2020. The data collection comprises the welfare, health, and functional capacity and lifestyles of families with children, the safety of the growth environment, as well as the need, availability and adequacy of services and support.
Statistic name in Finnish
Vauvaperheiden hyvinvointi – FinLapset-kyselytutkimus
The statistics describe the health, well-being, use of services, and how families with small children have experienced the services, according to region and population group. The data included in the statistics are based on the results of the national Children's Health, Well-being, and Services survey (LTH). Data collected from the parents of young children on families’ welfare forms the core of the statistics.
Statistic name in Finnish
Pienten lasten ja heidän perheidensä hyvinvointi
The statistics contain information on the incidence of excess body weight and obesity among children and young people. The numbers are based primarily on height and weight data recorded during visits to child health clinics and school health care health examinations, which is collected from patient data systems as part of automatic collection of electronic Avohilmo data.
Statistic name in Finnish
Lasten ja nuorten ylipaino ja lihavuus