Finnish study for the hereditary mechanisms behind psychotic illnesses

The Finnish SUPER Study is a part of the International Stanley Global Neuropsychiatric Genomics Initiative, which seeks to diversify genetic sample collection in order expand knowledge of genetic diversity and biological background in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and autism. The Institute for Molecular Medicine, Finland (FIMM) at the University of Helsinki is leading the SUPER Study in Finland.

The aim of the SUPER Study was to collect samples from at least 10,000 Finnish patients diagnosed with psychotic illnesses (ICD-10 diagnostic codes F20-F29, F30.2, F31.2, F31.5, F32.3 and F33.3) accompanied with an extensive data collected by health examinations, interviews and questionnaires. More than 9300 participants of the SUPER Study consented also for THL Biobank, which allows the use of these samples and data also in biobank research.

Samples and data available in THL Biobank

More detailed introduction to the SUPER Study and description of the material available in THL Biobank can be found in the 'Read me first' file.

Samples and data of the SUPER Study participants are transferred gradually to THL Biobank in order to prioritize the research interests of the original research group. All collected and measured information from the participants, including initial diagnosis (if available), questionnaire and interview data, results of Cantab-reaction test and test results of Paired Association Learning test (PAL) to assess cognitive performance will be gradually available for biobank research during the year 2023. Currently available attributes are described in detail in the variable description file.

Samples available for biobank research include DNA, serum, plasma and PBMCs. For more detailed information, please see the 'THL Biobank Sample availability table'.

Genome-wide SNP data is available for most of the SUPER biobank participants, for more detailed information, please see the 'THL Biobank Omics availability table'.

Additional information

Cohort profile: SUPER-Finland - the Finnish study for hereditary mechanisms of psychotic disorders.
Lähteenvuo M, Ahola-Olli A, Suokas K, Holm M, Misiewicz Z, Jukuri T, Männynsalo T, Wegelius A, Haaki W, Kajanne R, Kyttälä A, Tuulio-Henriksson A, Lahdensuo K, Häkkinen K, Hietala J, Paunio T, Niemi-Pynttäri J, Kieseppä T, Veijola J, Lönnqvist J, Isometsä E, Kampman O, Tiihonen J, Hyman S, Neale B, Daly M, Suvisaari J, Palotie A.
BMJ Open. 2023, 13(4):e070710. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-070710. 

Access to samples and data

Availability queries and application process to access THL Biobank resources


admin.biobank (at)


Collected during 2015-2018

Focus on genetic and biological mechanisms of psychotic disorders

Total number of donors collected over 10 500, more than 9300 available in THL Biobank

DNA, plasma, serum and PBMC samples 

Genome-wide SNP data available

'Read me first' file

Variable descriptions

Biological Samples Available in THL Biobank

Omics data available in THL Biobank