Johanna Lammi-Taskula
Year of birth: 1965
Official title: Research Manager
Tel. +358 29 524 7066
E-mail: [email protected]
- Wellbeing of families with children
- Family policy
- Gender equality
Primary duties
- CHILDCARE – sources of inequality in Finnish childcare policies (sub project PI)
- FLUX – Family formation in flux (work package co-leader)
- Young parents on parental leave in the Nordic countries (PI)
- Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in families with children (PI)
- LAKAS – Co-operation between child welfare clinics and early childchood education (sub project PI)
- 2016, Leadership and management training, HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management
- 2007, Dr Soc Sc (sociology), Tampere University
- 2000, Counselling training, Jyväskylä University Continuing Education Centre
- 1995, Equality Consultant, Jyväskylä University Continuing Education Centre
- 1991, Master of Soc Sc (sociology), Helsinki University
Professional background
- 2021– , Research Manager, Welfare State Research and Reform Unit, THL
- 2015–2020, Unit Manager, Children, Youth and Families Unit, THL
- 2009–2014, Unit Manager, Policy Evaluation Unit, THL
- 2007–2008, Unit Manager, Childhood and Family Unit, Stakes
- 1995–2006, Senior Researcher, Childhood and Family Unit, Stakes
Language skills
- Finnish (native)
- English (excellent)
- Swedish (good)
- German (fair)
Professional memberships
- 2004– Statistics Finland, Expert group on gender statistics
- 2008–15 Social Insurance Institution, Expert panel on the Maternity Pack
- 2008–19 Council for Equality, Subdivision on Men
- 2010–16 Adoption Board, National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health
- 2016– Council for Equality, Subdivision on Gender, economy and power
- 2016–19 Child Councillor’s Advisory Committee
- 2020–21 Child and family policy council, Central Union for Child Welfare in Finland
- 2020–21 Observatory for the National Child Strategy, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publications and research
Lammi-Taskula, Johanna (2007) Parental leave for fathers? Gendered conceptions and practices in families with young children in Finland. Research Reports 166. Stakes, Saarijärvi.
Scientific research articles
- Lammi-Taskula, Johanna (2008) Doing fatherhood - understanding the division of labour in families with children in Finland. Fathering vol. 6, no. 2 2008 / Special issue on International Fatherhood.
- Lammi-Taskula Johanna (2016) Les congés des pères en Finlande. Négociations et vécus. Revue des politiques sociales et familiales n:o 122.
- Marja Lindberg, Mikael Nygård, Fredrica Nyqvist, Johanna Lammi-Taskula (2019) Economic strain and parental coping – evidence from Finland. European Journal of Social Work 12/2019.
- Eerola, Petteri; Lammi-Taskula, Johanna; O'Brien, Margaret; Hietamaki, Johanna; Raikkonen, Eija (2019) Fathers' Leave Take-Up in Finland: Motivations and Barriers in a Complex Nordic Leave Scheme. SAGE OPEN.
- Moring, Anna & Lammi-Taskula, Johanna (2021) Parental Leave Reforms in Finland 1977–2019 from a Diversity Perspective. Social Inclusion (ISSN: 2183-2803) 2021, Volume 9, Issue 2.
Book contributions
- Lammi-Taskula, Johanna (2006) Nordic men on parental leave: can the welfare state change gender relations? In Ellingsæter, A. & Leira, A. (eds): Politicising Parenthood in Scandinavia. Gender relations in welfare states. Policy Press, Bristol.
- Lammi-Taskula, Johanna & Takala, Pentti (2009) Negotiating tripartite compromises. In Moss, P. & Kamerman, S. (eds): The politics of parental leave policies. Children, parenting, gender and the labour market. Policy Press, Bristol.
- Duvander, Ann-Zofie & Lammi-Taskula, Johanna (2011) Parental leave. In Gislason, I. & Eydal, G. (eds): Parental leave, childcare and gender equality in the Nordic countries. TemaNord 2011:562, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhage
- Lammi-Taskula, Johanna (2017) Fathers on Leave Alone in Finland: Negotiations and Lived Experiences. In O'Brien, M. & Wall, K. (eds) Comparative Perspectives on Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality. Fathers on Leave Alone. Springer, Life Course Research and Social Policies, Vol. 6 2017.
- Duvander, Ann-Zofie; Eydal, Gudny; Brandth, Berit; Gislason, Ingolfur; Lammi-Taskula, Johanna & Rostgaard, Tine (2019) Gender equality: Parental leave design and evaluating its effects on fathers’ participation. In Moss, P & Duvander, A & Koslowski, A (eds): Parental leave and beyond. Recent international developments, current issues and future directions. Policy Press, Bristol.
Edited works
- Salmi, Minna & Lammi-Taskula, Johanna (eds. 2004): Puhelin, mummo vai joustava työaika? Työn ja perheen yhteensovittamisen arkea. Stakes, Helsinki.
- Lammi-Taskula, Johanna; Karvonen, Sakari & Ahlström, Salme (eds. 2009): Lapsiperheiden hyvinvointi. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, TEE004. Helsinki.
- Lammi-Taskula, Johanna & Karvonen, Sakari (eds. 2014) Lapsiperheiden hyvinvointi 2014. Teema 21. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Tampere.
- Repo, Katja; Alasuutari, Maarit; Karila, Kirsti & Lammi-Taskula, Johanna (eds. 2020) The policies of childcare and early childhood education. Does equal access matter? Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
International activities
- International Leave Policies and Research network, national expert 2005– , member of coordination team 2021-
- International Work and Family Researchers’ Network, member 2012–