Johanna Närvi
Official title: Senior Researcher
Tel. +358 29 524 7467
E-mail: [email protected]
- Parental leave, family policies
- Work–family reconciliation
- Parenthood and gender equality
- Wellbeing of families with children
Primary duties
Research in the areas of expertise
- 2014, Doctor of Social Sciences, Gender Studies, University of Tampere, Finland
- 2008, Master of Social Sciences, Sociology, University of Helsinki, Finland
Professional background
- 2014– , Senior Researcher, THL
- 2008–2014, Researcher, THL/STAKES
- 2006–2008, Research Assistant, STAKES
Language skills
- Finnish (native)
- English (excellent)
- Swedish (good)
- French (good)
- Italian (good)
- Spanish (fair)
Current projects
- 2022–2024, Changing forms of work, family leaves and the reconciliation of work and family life (in Finnish)
- 2021–2027, Family Formation in Flux – Causes, Consequences and Possible Futures
- 2021–2022, The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on gender equality in Finland
Previous projects
- 2022–2021, The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the wellbeing of families with children
- 2015–2021, CHILDCARE - Researching In/equality in Finnish Childcare Policies
- 2016–2018, Visible fathers: recognising fathers’ care responsibilities at workplaces
- 2016– , International Network on Leave Policy and Research, member
- 2021–2022, The Finnish Society for Research on Families and Personal Relationships, board member
Selected publications
Scientific research articles
- Eerola, Petteri & Närvi, Johanna & Terävä, Johanna & Repo, Katja (2021) Negotiating parenting practices: the arguments and justifications of Finnish couples. Families, Relationships and Societies 10(1), 119–135.
- Närvi, Johanna & Lammi-Taskula, Johanna (2020) Varhaiskasvatuksessa ja kotihoidossa olevat nelivuotiaat. Onko lasten ja heidän vanhempiensa hyvinvoinnissa eroja? (Four-year-olds in early childhood education and in home care – are there differences in the wellbeing of children and their parents?) Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 85(3), 283–292. (in Finnish)
- Närvi, Johanna & Salmi, Minna (2019) Quite an encumbrance? Work-related obstacles to Finnish fathers’ take-up of parental leave. Community, Work & Family 22(1).
- Närvi, Johanna (2012) Negotiating care and career within institutional constraints – work insecurity and gendered ideals of parenthood in Finland. Community, Work & Family 15(4), 451–470.
Book contributions
- Terävä, Johanna & Närvi, Johanna & Lammi-Taskula, Johanna & Eerola, Petteri (2022) Kuka hoitaa kotona? [Who cares at home?] In P. Eerola et al. (eds.): Lastenhoidon ja varhaiskasvatuksen monet polut — Lasten, perheiden ja politiikan näkökulmia. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
- Närvi, Johanna & Salmi, Minna & Lammi-Taskula, Johanna (2020) Home care and early childhood education in Finland: Policies and practices of childcare. In Katja Repo et al. (eds.): The Policies of Childcare and Early Childhood Education: Does Equal Access Matter? Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 133–151.
- Närvi, Johanna & Salmi, Minna (2019) Kotitöiden ja yhteisten kulujen jakaminen tyytyväisyyden tai ristiriitojen lähteenä parisuhteissa [The division of housework and expenses as a source of satisfaction or disagreement in couple relationships]. In Mia Teräsaho & Johanna Närvi (eds.): Näkökulmia sukupuolten tasa-arvoon – analyyseja tasa-arvobarometrista 2017. Raportti 6/2019. Helsinki: THL. (in Finnish)