Henri Salokangas
Official title: Senior Researcher
Tel: 029 524 7598
E-mail: firstname.lastname(at)thl.fi
- Quasi-experimental research designs
- Register-based research
- Health shocks
- Psychiatric epidemiology
- Health economics
Primary duties
- Research and expert work focused on areas of expertise
- 2020, Doctor of Social Sciences, economics, University of Turku
- 2012, Master of Social Sciences, economics, University of Turku
Professional background
- 2022-, Senior researcher, INVEST-project, THL
- 2021-2022, Senior researcher, SOCCAN-project, THL
- 2021, Post-Doc researcher, economics, University of Turku
- 2019, Visiting researcher, University College London and University of York
- 2013-2020, doctoral student, economics, University of Turku
Language skills
- Finnish (native)
- English (excellent)
- Swedish (fair)
Current projects
- INVEST – Inequalities, Interventions, and New Welfare StateLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab
- FLUX – Family Formation in Flux – Causes, Consequences and Possible Futures Link to an external websiteAvautuu uudessa välilehdessä
Previous projects
SOCCAN – The economic burden of cancer among families and the role of social insurance
- President of the Finnish Health Economics Seminar Series Link to an external websiteAvautuu uudessa välilehdessä
- Vice-President of the Finnish Society for Health Economics
Publications and research
Scientific research articles
Böckerman P., Kortelainen M., Salokangas H & Vaalavuo M (2025) “Family Affair? Long-term Economic and Mental Effects of Spousal Cancer” Journal of Population Economics.
Kortelainen M. & Salokangas H (2023) “Kvasikokeelliset menetelmät terveydenhuollon ja terveystaloustieteen vaikutusarvioinneissa” Sosiaalilääketieteen aikakauskirja.
Böckerman P., Kortelainen M., Salokangas H & Vaalavuo M (2023) “Syövän vaikutukset puolison tuloihin ja työllisyyteen” Sosiaalilääketieteen aikakauskirja.
Vaalavuo M, Salokangas H, Tahvonen O (2023) “Gender inequality reinforced: the impact of a child’s health shock on parents’ labor market trajectories” Demography.
Salokangas H, Böckerman P, Huikari S, Korhonen M, Korpelainen R. & Svento R (2022) “Did the Finnish depression of the early 1990s have a silver lining? The effect of unemployment on long-term physical activity” Economics & Human Biology.
Salokangas RKR, From T, Luutonen S, Salokangas H, Hietala J. (2022) “Effect of childhood adversities on alcohol problems is mainly mediated by depression” The American Journal of Addictions.
Salokangas RKR, From T, Luutonen S, Salokangas H, Hietala J. (2022) “Determinants of costs of care for patients attending primary care” Psychiatria Fennica.
Salokangas, Henri (2020): Essays in economics of mental health. University of Turku, Turku School of Economics.