Timo Kauppinen

Year of birth: 1974
Title: Chief Researcher
Tel. +358 29 524 7233
E-mail: [email protected]


  • Housing, housing conditions
  • Residential segregation and geographical differences in well-being

Primary duties

  • Research related to my areas of expertise
  • Deputy Head of the Socially Sustainable Society Team


  • 2011, Title of Docent in Sociology, University of Helsinki
  • 2005, Doctor of Social Sciences, Sociology, University of Helsinki
  • 1999, Master of Social Sciences, Sociology, University of Helsinki

Professional background

  • 2023-, Chief Researcher, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
  • 2016–2023, Research manager, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
  • 2007–2016, Senior researcher, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (on leave 2010-2012)
  • 2010–2012, Professor (fixed term), Department of Social Research, University of Turku
  • 1998–2007, research and teaching duties, Department of Sociology, University of Helsinki

Current projects

  • Economic and social sustainability across time and space in an ageing society (SustAgeable), 2021-2027, Leader of the Migration work package


The list of my publications can be seen in my Google Scholar profile.