- Barnahus project
- Building a knowledge-based wellbeing economy in Finland – a project to develop policy tools
- Climate change and Health: Adapting to Mental, Physical and Societal challenges (CHAMPS)
- Development of the THL Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire (ACE-THL)
- Finnish Research Infrastructure on Population Based Surveys (FIRI-PBS)
- Health and wellbeing of prisoners: The Wattu IV Prison Population Study Finland
- Helsinki Psychotherapy Study
- Icehearts longitudinal study
- IPS – Individual Placement and Support project
- Mental health and life satisfaction among youth with disabilities and experiences of services in the post-pandemic period (D-youth)
- National Mental Health Strategy 2020-2030
- Out of Despair - providing solutions to break the pathways leading to violent, suicidal and drug-induced deaths of young people (Young Despair)
- Programme for suicide prevention
- Psychosis: risk factors, clinical course and prognosis
- Stress, development and mental health (the TAM project)
- Supportive conversation skills for reception centers - mental health for asylum seekers (TAVATA)
- The Finnish Student Health and Wellbeing Survey (KOTT)
- Frequency of domestic violence experienced by disabled persons and availability of services – a quantitative and qualitative examination
- Impact of coronavirus epidemic on wellbeing among foreign born population (MigCOVID)
- Mental Health for Migration: Psychoeducation and Mental Health Promotion for Newly Arrived Refugees (TUULI)
- Positive mental health, quality of life and social support experienced by people living alone in Finland (POMELA)
- Survey on well-being among foreign born population (FinMonik)
- Work ability programme