Fin-HIT Study
Fin-HIT Study is a prospective follow-up study aiming to explore how genetics and different lifestyle factors such as eating habits, use of antibiotics and physical activity shape weight, weight gain and weight-related health outcomes during early adolescence and adulthood. The ongoing study is conducted by the Folkhälsan Research Center, Helsinki, Finland.
The study has been conducted in three phases:
- The baseline study (2011–2014) consists of > 11 000 Finnish adolescents (9–12 years of age) with saliva samples, body measurements and questionnaire data concerning e.g. diet, physical activity, body image, sleep and screen time. DNA was extracted from saliva either by using microbiome or genomic DNA extraction method. Approximately 6000 parents, mainly mothers, also participated by filling in a questionnaire on e.g. smoking and alcohol consumption.
- The first follow-up study (2015–2016) consists of self-reported measurements and questionnaire data, as well as follow-up saliva samples from the baseline participants. This time, parents were also invited to give a saliva sample and data concerning their own health.
- The second follow-up started in the autumn 2020 with an online questionnaire focusing on nutrition and mental health of the young participants as they entered adulthood.
Fin-HIT Study research areas in Finland.
Samples and data available in THL Biobank
During the second follow-up all Fin-HIT participants (young adults and parents) could give an informed biobank consent that enables to use all collected research material also in biobank research via THL Biobank. The samples available for biobank research contains ~3000 DNA samples extracted from the baseline saliva sample (children) and ~2600 DNA samples from the parents.
Genome-wide SNP data will soon be available for biobank research. For more detailed information, please see the 'THL Biobank Omics availability table'.
The data currently available in the biobank includes information about physical measurements, life-style and health of the teens and the parents at the baseline. Detailed list of attributes available in the biobank can be found in the variable description files, separately for children and parents. More data will be transferred to biobank when released from the use of the original study.
Additional information
Read more on the Finn-HIT Study :
Cohort Profile: The Finnish Health in Teens (Fin-HIT) study: a population-based study
Rejane Augusta de Oliveira Figueiredo, Sabina Simola-Ström, Trine B Rounge, Heli Viljakainen, Johan G Eriksson, Eva Roos, Elisabete Weiderpass.
International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 48, Issue 1, February 2019, Pages 23–24h.
Access to samples and data
Availability queries and application process to access THL Biobank resources
admin.biobank (at)
Baseline samples and data collected during 2011-2014. Parents' samples collected 2015–2016
Participants 9-12 y old children (at the baseline) and their parents
Over 5500 DNA samples (extracted from saliva) available in the biobank
Contains data on physical measurements and questionnaire data on health and life-style