Health 2000 and 2011 Surveys

Health 2000 Survey, a comprehensive combination of health interview and health examination survey, was carried out in years 2000-2001. The study captured a nationally representative sample of more than 8000 donors aged 30 and over living in the mainland Finland. The main aim of the Health 2000 Survey was to obtain information on the most important public health problems prsent in working-aged and aged population,  as well as investigate the population’s functional and working capacity. More than 1000 participants of the Health 2000 Survey had previously also participated in the Mini-Finland Health Examination Survey twenty years earlier.

A follow-up study of the Health 2000 Survey was conducted in 2011, in which extensive data was collected  from more than 5000 individuals using physiological measurements, interviews, and questionnaires and new samples were collected. The cohort is continuously followed-up by linkage to national health registers.

Samples and data available in THL Biobank

An introduction to the Health 2000/2011 Surveys and description of the material available in THL Biobank can be found in the 'Read me first' file.

For more than 8600 participants of the Health 2000/2011 cohorts (together) DNA, serum and plasma samples are available through THL Biobank. For more detailed information, please see the 'THL Biobank Sample availability table'.

Detailed list of attributes available in the biobank can be found in the variable descriptions files, separately for both study yearsSummarized information on nutrition data in different biobank cohorts is provided in the document 'Nutrition data available in THL Biobank'.

In addition, genome-wide SNP data and NMR metabolomics data are available for majority of the Health 2000/2011 participants. Genome- or exome-wide sequence data is also available for selection of sample donors. For more detailed information of the omics data, please see the 'THL Biobank Omics availability table'Detailed descriptions of NMR data produced from Health 2000/2011 samples is in the 'Description of the NMR data' file.

The register based end-point data produced in THL by Health 2000 research group is described in 'Description of register-based end-point data' file, please note that using this data requires project specific permission from Findata.

Additional information

Read more on the Health 2000 and Health 2011 website

Access to samples and data

Availability queries and application process to access THL Biobank resources


admin.biobank (at)


Collected in 2000 and follow-up in 2011

More than 8600 sample donors (DNA, serum, plasma), age > 28 y

Nationally representative and comprehensive health examination and interview survey, including examinations by physician and dentist. Linkage to health registers and extensive baseline data.

Genome-wide SNP data and NMR metabolomics data available

NMR data descriptions

Description of the NMR data (xlsx 33 kb)

The NMR data is produced by Nightingale Health in 2018-2019

Register end-point descriptions

Description of register-based end-point data (xlsx 84 kb)

This data is produced in THL using data from national health registers

Using this data requires project-specific register permission from Findata, and cannot be authorized by THL Biobank

Biological Samples Available in THL Biobank

Omics data available in THL Biobank