Shelters for Victims of Domestic Violence 2023

Number of days of residence at shelters for victims of domestic violence rises in 2023

Shelter services are government-funded special services for persons who have experi-enced domestic violence or are under threat of it. A total of 5,364 clients used the services of shelters for victims of domestic violence in 2023. Of these, 59 per cent were adults and 41 per cent were children. Of the adults, 90 per cent were female and 10 per cent were male.

Client numbers rose by four per cent compared to 2022. The number of both female and male clients increased in 2023. There was no significant change in the number of children compared to the previous year.

In 2023, clients accumulated a total of 101,784 housing days at shelters, which is 12,390 days more than in 2022 (+ 14%).

At the end of 2023, there were a total of 29 shelters in Finland providing a total of 230 places for clients coming as a family or alone.

Download the full statistical report

Client numbers at shelters for victims of domestic violence 2018–2023.


Background information

Description of statistics

The statistic contains national data on the clients of shelters for victims of domestic abuse, such as the days of residence, clients' background information as well as information related to the violence experienced by the clients. Generally used national classifications are utilised for the client documents and thus also in the classifications included in the summary form used for data collection.

The data is collected with an electronic form from all the shelter service providers, it is presented at the national level, and no information specific to any individual shelter will be published. Data collection started in 2016.

The statistics are published annually in June.


Turvakotipalvelut 2023
Skyddshemstjänster 2023
Shelters for Victims of Domestic Violence 2023

Statistical Report 33/2024, 10th of June 2024
Official Statistics of Finland, Shelters for Victims of Domestic Violence. THL. OSF-logo

More information

Suvi Nipuli
tel. +358 29 524 7205