Genetic imputation service at UEF, using THL Biobank’s SISu reference panel

Publication date 13 Oct 2022

Autumn in the forest.

THL Biobank and the Bioinformatic Center of the University of Eastern Finland are excited to announce a new service for genetic imputation using a Finnish haplotype reference panel. 

THL Biobank’s SISu v3 reference panel consists of haplotypes derived from high-coverage whole genome sequence data of 1768 Finns from THL Biobank’s cohorts. The panel can be used to impute genome-wide genotypes for any GWAS dataset against a Finnish population-specific reference.

The Finnish haplotype reference panel improves imputation accuracy especially for rare and low-frequency variants for datasets with Finnish SNP genotypes. This can enhance the reliability and accuracy of genotype-based analyses like GWAS and polygenic risk scores.

Professor Timo Lakka from the UEF Institute of Biomedicine who uses genetics as part of the Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children (PANIC) study comments: “The Finnish imputation reference panel is a much-needed service because it gives us access to rare variants that just are not available with the international reference panels”.

Researchers interested in the imputation service should contact UEF Bioinformatics Center. The use of the imputation reference panel is requested through an application to THL Biobank.

Additional information

Contact information
Imputation service of UEF: bioinformatics (at)
THL Biobank: admin.biobank (at) 

UEF Bioinformatics Center

SISu v3 imputation panel in THL Biobank

THL Biopankki biobank - THL Biobank