

Predictive validity of psychosis risk models when applied to adolescent psychiatric patients.
Lindgren M, Kuvaja H, Jokela M, Therman S. 
Psychological Medicine 2023 


Adolescent psychosis risk symptoms predicting persistent psychiatric service use: A 7-year follow-up study. 
Lindgren M, Jonninen M, Jokela M, Therman S. 
European Psychiatry 2019 


Psychological, social, and role functioning as predictors of psychosis in an adolescent psychiatric sample.
Ärmänen A, Lahti M, Therman S, Suvisaari J, Lindgren M. 
Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2018


Suicidality, self-harm, and psychotic-like symptoms in a general adolescent psychiatric sample. 
Lindgren M, Manninen M, Kalska H, Mustonen U, Laajasalo T, Moilanen K, Huttunen MO, Cannon TD, Suvisaari J, Therman S. 
Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2017 

Evaluation of verbal list learning as a predictor of psychosis. 
Lindgren M, Manninen M, Kalska H, Mustonen U, Laajasalo T, Moilanen K, Huttunen MO, Cannon TD, Therman S, Suvisaari J. 
Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2017 


Katsaus: Nuorten psykoottistyyppisten oireiden kliininen merkitys.
Lindgren M, Therman T, Granö N. 
Duodecim 2016 

Community-oriented family-based intervention superior to standard treatment in improving depression, hopelessness and functioning among adolescents with any psychosis-risk symptoms. 
Granö N, Karjalainen M, Ranta K, Lindgren M, Roine M, Therman T. 
Psychiatry Research 2016


Predicting psychosis in a general adolescent psychiatric sample.
Lindgren M, Manninen M, Kalska H, Mustonen U, Laajasalo T, Moilanen K, Huttunen M, Cannon TD, Suvisaari J, Therman S. 
Schizophrenia Research 2014 

Predicting psychosis and psychiatric hospital care among adolescent psychiatric patients with the Prodromal Questionnaire.
Therman S, Lindgren M, Manninen M, Loewy RL, Huttunen MO, Cannon TD, Suvisaari J. 
Schizophrenia Research 2014 


Prodromal psychosis screening in adolescent psychiatry clinics. 
Loewy RL, Therman S, Manninen M, Huttunen MO, Cannon TD.
Early Interv Psychiatry 2012 


The relationship between psychotic-like symptoms and neurocognitive performance in a general adolescent psychiatric sample 
Lindgren M, Manninen M, Laajasalo T, Mustonen U, Kalska H, Suvisaari J, Moilanen K, Cannon TD, Huttunen M, Therman S. 
Schizophrenia Research 2010

Psykoosin riskioireet nuorilla 
Laajasalo T, Huttunen M, Lindgren M, Manninen M, Mustonen U, Suvisaari J, Therman S.
Duodecim 2010 


Lack of association between neuropsychological performance and level of psychosis proneness in an adolescent psychiatric sample. 
Therman S, Suvisaari JM, Kalska H, Huttunen MO, Manninen M, Cannon TD. 
J Nerv Ment Disease 2009