Idefix-tutkimuksen julkaisuja

Tällä sivulla olevat julkaisut ovat esimerkkejä yli 100 alkuperäisjulkaisusta.

  1. The association between salt intake and adult systolic blood pressure is modified by birth weight
    Perälä MM, Moltchanova E, Kaartinen NE, Männistö S, Kajantie E, Osmond C, Barker DJ, Valsta LM, Eriksson JG. Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Feb;93(2):422–6. 
  2. Growth trajectories and intellectual abilities in young adulthood: The Helsinki Birth Cohort study
    Räikkönen K, Forsén T, Henriksson M, Kajantie E, Heinonen K, Pesonen AK, Leskinen JT, Laaksonen I, Osmond C, Barker DJ, Eriksson JG. Am J Epidemiol. 2009 Aug 15;170(4):447–55.
  3. Body mass index during childhood and adult body composition in men and women aged 56–70 y.
    Ylihärsilä H, Kajantie E, Osmond C, Forsén T, Barker DJ, Eriksson JG. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Jun;87(6):1769–75.
  4. Growth before 2 years of age and serum lipids 60 years later: the Helsinki Birth Cohort study
    Kajantie E, Barker DJ, Osmond C, Forsén T, Eriksson JG. Int J Epidemiol. 2008 Apr;37(2):280–9.
  5. Infant growth and hostility in adult life
    Rikkönen K, Pesonen AK, Heinonen K, Lahti J, Kajantie E, Forsén T, Osmond C, Barker DJ, Eriksson JG. Psychosom Med. 2008 Apr;70(3):306–13.
  6. Infant growth and stroke in adult life: the Helsinki birth cohort study
    Osmond C, Kajantie E, Forsén TJ, Eriksson JG, Barker DJ. Stroke. 2007 Feb;38(2):264-70. Epub 2007 Jan 11.
  7. Size at birth as a predictor of mortality in adulthood: a follow-up of 350 000 person-years
    Kajantie E, Osmond C, Barker DJ, Forsén T, Phillips DI, Eriksson JG. Int J Epidemiol. 2005 Jun;34(3):655–63.
  8. Trajectories of growth among children who have coronary events as adults
    Barker DJ, Osmond C, Forsén TJ, Kajantie E, Eriksson JG. N Engl J Med. 2005 Oct 27;353(17):1802–9.
  9. Self-perpetuating effects of birth size on blood pressure levels in elderly people
    Ylihärsilä H, Eriksson JG, Forsén T, Kajantie E, Osmond C, Barker DJ. Hypertension. 2003 Mar;41(3):446–50. Epub 2003 Feb 17.
  10. Association of schizophrenia with low maternal body mass index, small size at birth, and thinness during childhood
    Wahlbeck K, Forsén T, Osmond C, Barker DJ, Eriksson JG. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2001 Jan;58(1):48–52.
  11. Early growth and coronary heart disease in later life: longitudinal study
    Eriksson JG, Forsén T, Tuomilehto J, Osmond C, Barker DJ. BMJ. 2001 Apr 21;322(7292):949–53.
  12. Size at birth, childhood growth and obesity in adult life
    Eriksson J, Forsén T, Tuomilehto J, Osmond C, Barker D. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2001 May;25(5):735–40.
  13. Size at birth and resilience to effects of poor living conditions in adult life: longitudinal study
    Barker DJ, Forsén T, Uutela A, Osmond C, Eriksson JG. BMJ. 2001 Dec 1;323(7324):1273–6.
  14. Catch-up growth in childhood and death from coronary heart disease: longitudinal study
    Eriksson JG, Forsén T, Tuomilehto J, Winter PD, Osmond C, Barker DJ. BMJ. 1999 Feb 13;318(7181):427–31.
  15. Growth in utero and during childhood among women who develop coronary heart disease: longitudinal study
    Forsén T, Eriksson JG, Tuomilehto J, Osmond C, Barker DJ. BMJ. 1999 Nov 27;319(7222):1403–7.