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Pneumokokkikonjugaattirokotteen vaikuttavuuden seuranta osana kansallista rokotusohjelmaa


Pikkulasten pneumokokkirokotukset ovat vähentäneet myös aikuisten vakavia pneumokokkitauteja
Uutinen 28.11.2022

Pikkulasten pneumokokkirokotukset ovat vähentäneet aikuisten keuhkokuumeita
Uutinen 19.1.2018

Pikkulasten pneumokokkirokotukset vähentävät antibioottikuureja ja korvien putkituksia
Uutinen 8.1.2018


  • Nuorti JP, Rinta-Kokko H, Toropainen M, Siira L, Nohynek H, Palmu AA. Long-term population impact of infant 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination on invasive pneumococcal disease in adults in Finland. Vaccine. 2022 Sep 29;40(41):5950-5958. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.08.047. Epub 2022 Sep 6. PMID: 36075797.
  • Hanquet G, Krizova P, Dalby T, Ladhani SN, Nuorti JP, Danis K, Mereckiene J, Knol MJ, Winje BA, Ciruela P, de Miguel S, Portillo ME, MacDonald L, Morfeldt E, Kozakova J, Valentiner-Branth P, Fry NK, Rinta-Kokko H, Varon E, Corcoran M, van der Ende A, Vestrheim DF, Munoz-Almagro C, Sanz JC, Castilla J, Smith A, Henriques-Normark B, Colzani E, Pastore-Celentano L, Savulescu C; SpIDnet group1. Serotype Replacement after Introduction of 10-Valent and 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines in 10 Countries, Europe. Emerg Infect Dis. 2022 Jan;28(1):137-138. doi: 10.3201/eid2801.210734. PMID: 34932457; PMCID: PMC8714201.
  • Camelia Savulescu, Pavla Krizova, Palle Valentiner-Branth, Shamez Ladhani, Hanna Rinta-Kokko, Corinne Levy, Jolita Mereckiene, Mirjam Knol, Brita A. Winje, Pilar Ciruela, Sara de Miguel, Marcela Guevara, Laura MacDonald, Jana Kozakova, Hans-Christian Slotved, Norman K. Fry, J. Pekka Nuorti, Kostas Danis, Mary Corcoran, Arie van der Ende, Didrik F. Vestrheim, Carmen Munoz-Almagro, Juan-Carlos Sanz, Jesus Castilla, Andrew Smith, Edoardo Colzani, Lucia Pastore Celentano, Germaine Hanquet. Effectiveness of 10 and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines against invasive pneumococcal disease in European children: SpIDnet observational multicentre study. Vaccine Volume 40, Issue 29, 2022, Pages 3963-3974.
  • Deloria Knoll M, Bennett JC, Garcia Quesada M, Kagucia EW, Peterson ME, Feikin DR, Cohen AL, Hetrich MK, Yang Y, Sinkevitch JN, Ampofo K, Aukes L, Bacci S, Bigogo G, Brandileone M-CC, Bruce MG, Camilli R, Castilla J, Chan G, Chanto Chacón G, Ciruela P, Cook H, Corcoran M, Dagan R, Danis K, de Miguel S, De Wals P, Desmet S, Galloway Y, Georgakopoulou T, Hammitt LL, Hilty M, Ho P-L, Jayasinghe S, Kellner JD, Kleynhans J, Knol MJ, Kozakova J, Kristinsson KG, Ladhani SN, Lara CS, León ME, Lepp T, Mackenzie GA, Mad’arová L, McGeer A, Mungun T, Mwenda JM, Nuorti JP, Nzoyikorera N, Oishi K, De Oliveira LH, Paragi M, Pilishvili T, Puentes R, Rafai E, Saha SK, Savrasova L, Savulescu C, Scott JA, Scott KJ, Serhan F, Setchanova LP, Sinkovec Zorko N, Skoczyńska A, Swarthout TD, Valentiner-Branth P, van der Linden M, Vestrheim DF, von Gottberg A, Yildirim I, Hayford K, the PSERENADE Team. Global Landscape Review of Serotype-Specific Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Surveillance among Countries Using PCV10/13: The Pneumococcal Serotype Replacement and Distribution Estimation (PSERENADE) Project. Microorganisms. 2021; 9(4):742.
  • Garcia Quesada M, Yang Y, Bennett JC, Hayford K, Zeger SL, Feikin DR, Peterson ME, Cohen AL, Almeida SCG, Ampofo K, Ang M, Bar-Zeev N, Bruce MG, Camilli R, Chanto Chacón G, Ciruela P, Cohen C, Corcoran M, Dagan R, De Wals P, Desmet S, Diawara I, Gierke R, Guevara M, Hammitt LL, Hilty M, Ho P-L, Jayasinghe S, Kleynhans J, Kristinsson KG, Ladhani SN, McGeer A, Mwenda JM, Nuorti JP, Oishi K, Ricketson LJ, Sanz JC, Savrasova L, Setchanova LP, Smith A, Valentiner-Branth P, Valenzuela MT, van der Linden M, van Sorge NM, Varon E, Winje BA, Yildirim I, Zintgraff J, Knoll MD, the PSERENADE Team. Serotype Distribution of Remaining Pneumococcal Meningitis in the Mature PCV10/13 Period: Findings from the PSERENADE Project. Microorganisms. 2021; 9(4):738. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9040738.
  • Polkowska A, Rinta-Kokko H, Toropainen M, Palmu AA, Nuorti JP. Long-term population effects of infant 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination on pneumococcal meningitis in Finland. Vaccine. 2021 May 27;39(23):3216-3224. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.02.030. Epub 2021 Apr 30. PMID: 33934915.
  • Rinta-Kokko H, Auranen K, Toropainen M, Nuorti JP, Nohynek H, Siira L, Palmu AA. Effectiveness of 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine estimated with three parallel study designs among vaccine-eligible children in Finland, Vaccine https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.11.049
  • Rinta-Kokko H, Palmu AA, Auranen K, Nuorti JP, Toropainen M, Siira L, Virtanen MJ, Nohynek H, Jokinen J. Long-term impact of 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination on invasive pneumococcal disease among children in Finland. Vaccine 2018:36;1934–40. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.03.001
  • Palmu AA, Rinta-Kokko H, Nuorti JP, Nohynek H, Jokinen J. Impact of national ten-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine programme on reducing antimicrobial use and tympanostomy tube placements in Finland. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2018;37:97–102.
  • Hanquet G, Krizova P, Valentiner-Branth P, Ladhani S, Nuorti JP et al. Effect of childhood pneumococcal conjugate vaccination on invasive disease in older adults of 10 European countries: implications for adult vaccination. Thorax 2018. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2018-211767
  • Artama M, Rinta-Kokko H, Nohynek H, Jokinen J, Palmu AA. Register-based evaluation of safety signals related to pneumococcal conjugate vaccination. Curr Drug Saf. 2018;13(2):107-112. doi: 10.2174/1574886313666180406164151.
  • Palmu AA, Rinta-Kokko H, Nuorti JP, Nohynek H, Jokinen J. Indirect Impact of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine against Clinically Suspected Invasive Disease. Acta Pædiatrica 2018. DOI:10.1111/apa.14335
  • Okasha O, Rinta-Kokko H, Palmu AA, Ruokokoski E, Jokinen J, Nuorti JP. Population-level impact of infant 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination on adult pneumonia hospitalisations, Finland. Thorax 2017. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2017-210440
  • Palmu AA, Rinta-Kokko H, Nohynek H, Nuorti JP, Kilpi TM, Jokinen J. Impact of ten-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on pneumonia in Finnish children in a nation-wide population-based study. PLoS ONE 2017:12(3):e0172690. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0172690
  • Jokinen J, Rinta-Kokko H, Siira L, Palmu AA, Virtanen MJ, Nohynek H, Virolainen-Julkunen A, Toropainen M, Nuorti JP. Impact of Ten-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccination on Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Finnish Children – A Population-Based Study. PLoS ONE 2015:10(3):e0120290. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120290
  • Palmu AA, Kilpi TM, Rinta-Kokko H, Nohynek H, Toropainen M, Nuorti JP, Jokinen J.Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine and Clinically Suspected Invasive Disease. Pediatrics 2015:136(1). doi:10.1542/peds.2015-0458