Domestic violence – risk assessment and management
Domestic violence – risk assessment and management
Keskiviikko 30.10.2024 klo 8.45 – 15.15
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL
Seminaarissa kuullaan muun muassa MARAK- riskiarviointimenetelmän kokemuksia Suomesta ja Virosta, Örebron yliopiston RISKSAM-projektissa kehitettävästä riskinarvioinnista ja -hallinnasta, riskinarvioinnista lasten näkökulmasta.
Seminaari järjestetään englanniksi.
In English:
Risk assessment and safety planning in cases of domestic violence is a complex process. This seminar presents the most common domestic violence risk assessment tools used in Finland, Sweden and Estonia as well as sheds light on developing risk assessment instruments.
This seminar will focus on for example:
- experiences of the MARAC risk assessment method from Finland and Estonia
- risk assessment and management developed in the RISKSAM project of the University of Örebro
- risk assessment from the perspective of children.
The seminar is especially intended for experts in violence work in welfare areas and organizations, researchers and members of MARAK working groups.
Registration ends on 23 October.
The event will be held at the Institute of Health and Welfare, Mannerheimintie 166, Helsinki. You can also watch the event online.
8.45-9.10 Registration & coffee
9.10-9.15 General guidelines for the seminar
9.15-9.30 Opening remarks
9.30-9.45 “Duty to protect women”, Senior Specialist Marjo Rantala, Finnish National Rapporteur on violence against women, Office of the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman
9.45-11.00 “The MARAC Model in Estonia”, MARAC model Project Manager Anne Klaar and Volunteer Coordinator Kertu Kesküla, the Social Insurance Board in Estonia
The presentation will focus on the implementation and coordination of the Multiagency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) in Estonia. Starting as a pilot project in 2015, today MARAC model is state-funded and covers all counties in Estonia. Anne Klaar and Kertu Kesküla work in the Social Insurance Board, a governmental authority that works to ensure the self-sufficiency and well-being of Estonian people.
11.00-11.15 Break
11.15-12.00 “The RISKSAM model: Facilitating structured risk management and multi-agency collaboration in cases of domestic violence in Sweden”, Dr. Susanne Strand, Professor in criminology, Örebro University
The presentation will focus on the RISKSAM model which is a working method developed to facilitate and provide practitioners with structured risk management and multi-agency collaboration in cases of domestic violence. This model has been developed by researchers together with the Swedish social services and the police, and is now used in several municipalities.
Susanne Strand is a professor in criminology at Örebro University (School of Behavioural, Social, and Legal Sciences). Her research interests include risk assessment and management for intimate partner violence, stalking, and honor-based violence. She is currently the research leader of the RISKSAM project.
12.00-12.45 “The need for the RISKSAM model for practitioners working with domestic violence in Sweden”, Dr. Joakim Petersson, Senior Lecturer in criminology, Örebro University
The presentation will focus on the need for structured risk management and multi-agency collaboration for practitioners in Sweden working with domestic violence, including the challenges that vary for both victims and practitioners depending on an urban-rural context.
Joakim Petersson is a senior lecturer in criminology at Örebro University (School of Behavioural, Social, and Legal Sciences). His research interests include risk assessment and management for perpetrators of intimate partner violence. He is currently responsible for providing training in the RISKSAM model to social services and the police.
12.45-13.45 Lunch break
13.45-14.15 “Experiences of the MARAC model in Finland”, Team Manager, Development Manager Elisa Niklander, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
14.15-15.00 “Child Protection Response to Suspected Child Abuse and Domestic Violence – Risk Assessment as an Essential Aspect”, Social Worker, Senior Specialist Miia Ståhlberg, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
15.00-15.15 Thank you & Goodbye