Aiming for the world’s most studied age cohort – Future Finland stakeholder webinar

Aiming for the world’s most studied age cohort – Future Finland stakeholder webinar

Keskiviikko 5.2.2025 klo 13.00 –  15.00

Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL

Aiming for the world’s most studied age cohort – Future Finland stakeholder webinar

It is our pleasure to invite representatives of the Finnish scientific community to discuss research aiming to strengthen the Finnish welfare society over the following 100 years and to share their insights on the current research and implementation plans of the Future Finland (Huomisen Suomi) Birth Cohort initiative. 

You are warmly welcome to this interactive webinar on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 13:00-15:00. The event will be held in English.


  Chair: Dr. Hanna Tolonen, THL, Director of Research, Development and Innovations
13.00 Opening words
Dr. Susanna Pettersson, Finnish Cultural Foundation, CEO
13.10 Keynote: How to make a national birth cohort a success story? − Lessons from the Danish National Birth Cohort
Professor Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen, University of Copenhagen, Co-founder of the Danish National Birth Cohort and Scientific Principal Investigator for the cohort 2017-2024 
13.30 Finland on the European map of birth cohorts
Professor Sylvain Sebert, University of Oulu, Scientific Director of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort
13.40 Future Finland Birth Cohort − From idea to implementation
Dr. Annamari Lundqvist, THL, Project Director of the Future Finland Birth Cohort
13.55 Engagement of audience and discussion
14.10 The unique opportunities for social and health studies
Professor Aarno Palotie, University of Helsinki, FinnGen Scientific Director, Research Director at the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM)
Professor Janne Pitkäniemi, Director of Finnish Cancer Registry
14.30 Future challenges of the welfare society and how to address them through interdisciplinary research. Statements from the universities
Vice Rector Jussi Pihlajamäki, University of Eastern Finland
Vice Rector Reko Leino, Åbo Academy University
Vice Rector Tapio Visakorpi, University of Tampere
Professor Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen, University of Jyväskylä
14.50 General discussion and next steps

Changes to the programme possible.


Please register your participation through the link below. Registration ends one hour before the webinar. Feel free to share this invitation also with your colleagues interested in the topic. 

Register for the webinar

Participation link (Teams) 

Background information on Future Finland

The ambitious goal of the Future Finland Birth Cohort is to establish a unique, nationwide, lifelong data resource that will enable new forms of interdisciplinary top-level research. The birth cohort is intended to include all families with a child born between 2025 and 2029. The project comprehensively utilizes various national registers and other data sources. The collected information will be further enriched with consent-based sample and survey materials. 

Building the Future Finland Birth Cohort will be a joint national effort that is funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation (SKR) and its preparation is coordinated by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). The data resource will be available for the entire research community.  

The Future Finland Birth Cohort presents a unique opportunity to combine our forces and expertise to advance groundbreaking interdisciplinary research and broader multidisciplinary collaboration.

More information

For more information, please visit our website: 

Annamari Lundqvist
project director
tel. +358 29 524 7283
[email protected]

For practical questions regarding the event, please contact Development Manager Birgit Simell ([email protected]) or Communications Specialist Elisa Lautala ([email protected]).