Sari Castrén
Virkanimike: Tutkimuspäällikkö (FT), dosentti (Psykologia, erityisesti riippuvuudet ja kansanterveystiede)
Puh: +358 29 524 8525
Sähköposti: [email protected]
• Toiminnalliset riippuvuudet: Raha- ja digipelaaminen sekä muut riippuvuushäiriöiden kaltaiset haittoja aiheuttavat toiminnat digitaalisilla alustoilla (sosiaalisen median ja netin käytön haitat ja hyödyt)
• Rahapeliriippuvuuden tuki – ja hoito
• Rahapelihaittojen kartoittaminen sekä väestöaineistossa että kliinisessä ympäristössä, rahapelaajat ja läheiset
• Erityisryhmien rahapeliongelma ja tuen tarve
- Kanadalaisen Lower Risk Gambling Guidelines (LRGG) -ohjeistuksen käytettävyyden tutkimus Suomessa
- Toiminnalliset riippuvuudet : Raha-ja digipelaamisen yhtymäpinnat ja digipelihaittojen ehkäisy, tuki ja hoito integraation suunnittelu osaksi rahapeli tiimin työtä sekä digialustojen (pelaaminen, some, internet) liiallinen käyttö
- Rahapelaaminen läheisen näkökulmasta: Läheisten haittojen ehkäisy, tuki- ja hoito
- Rikosseuraamusasiakkaiden rahapelaaminen: keinoja uusintarikollisuuden ehkäisemiseksi ja tuen ja hoidon kehittämiseksi. Hankkeen rahoittaa Rikosseuraamuslaitos (2/2023-2/2024
- Vankien terveys ja hyvinvointi 2023: Wattu IV vankiväestötutkimuksen tulokset julkaistiin 21.9.2023.
- 2019, Dosentti Kansanterveystiede, Helsingin yliopisto
- 2017, Dosentti Psykologia, erityisesti riippuvuushäiriöt, Turun yliopisto
- 2013, Filosofian tohtori, Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto
- 2009, Master of Sciences, Counselling Psychology, Graduate School of Psychology, Assumption University, Thailand
- Major: Psychology
- Minor: Sociology
- 1994, Sairaanhoitaja, psykiatrinen hoito, Helsingin sairaanhoito-oppilaitos
- Tutkimuspäällikkö 14.2. 2024
- Tiimipäällikön substanssisijainen 2. (14.2.2024)
- Tiimipäällikön sijainen 14.8.2023 – 13.2.2024
- Tiimipäällikön substanssisijainen 1. 2/2022-8/2023
- 2022, Tutkimuspäällikkö
- 2014-2022, Erikoistutkija, THL rahapelitutkimus
- 2011-2014 Tutkija, THL rahapelitutkimus
- 2011-2013, Projektitutkija, THL, rahapelitutkimus
- 2010-2011, Psykologi, Neuropsykiatriset avopalvelut, Autismisäätiö, Helsinki
- 2007-2009, Psykologi - konsultoiva, Manarom Psychiatric Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
- 2007-2009, Psykologi, konsultoiva, Satit Pathumwan Demonstration School, English Program for Talented students, Bangkok, Thailand
- 2007-2009, Työnohjaaja, konsultoiva psykologi, The Finnish Evangelical Mission, Bangkok, Thailand
- 2006-2009, Psykologi, konsultoiva, Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital, Teen Center, Bangkok, Thailand
- 1998-1999, Sairaanhoitaja, psykiatrinen hoito, Stabekk Geriatric Institute, Baerum Muncipality, Norway
- 1995- 1995, Sairaanhoitaja, Helsingin yliopistollinen sairaala, psykiatrinen konsultaatio poliklinikka
- 1994-1995, Sairaanhoitaja, psykiatrinen, Alppiharjun mielenterveystoimisto, Helsingin kaupunki
- Suomi (äidinkieli)
- Englanti (erinomainen)
Vertaisarvioidut tieteelliset artikkelit
Väitöskirjan osatyöt
- Castrén S, Basnet S, Salonen AH, Pankakoski M, Ronkainen J-E, Alho H, Lahti T: Factors associated with Disordered Gambling in Finland. Substance Abuse, Treatment, Prevention and Policy 2013;1;8(1):24.
- Castrén S, Basnet S, Pankakoski M, Ronkainen J-E, Helakorpi S, Uutela A, Alho H, Lahti T: An analysis of problem gambling among the Finnish working-age population: a population survey. BMC Public Health 2013;13: 519.
- Castrén S, Pankakoski M, Tamminen M, Lipsanen J, Ladouceur R, Lahti T: Internet-based CBT intervention for gamblers in Finland: experiences from the field. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 2013; 54(3):230-5.
- Castrén S, Pankakoski M, Ladouceur R, Lahti T: Internet-based 8-week Cognitive Therapy for Gambling Problems: Socio-demographic Characteristics of the Participants. Psychiatria Fennica 2012; 43:79-96.
Muut alkuperäisartikkelit
Palomäki, J., Latvala, T., Salonen, A. H., Marionneau, V., Hodgins, D., Young, M. M., & Castrén, S. (2024). Testing the acceptability and feasibility of the lower-risk gambling guidelines in Finland. Journal of Behavioral Addictions (published online ahead of print 2024).
Vainio, J., Hylkilä, K., Männikkö, N., Mustonen, T., Kääriäinen, M., Konttila, J., Peltonen, A., Karhulahti, V.-M., & Castrén, S. (2024). Perceptions of health changes and support for self-limiting social media use among young adults in Finland—A qualitative study. Psychology of Popular Media, 13(4), 571–580.
K. Hylkilä, N. Männikkö, A. Peltonen, S. Castrén, T. Mustonen, J. Konttila, M. Männistö, M. Kääriäinen, Association between problematic social networking site use and social well-being among young adults: A systematic review, Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 2024,
- Lind K, Palomäki J, Castrén S (2024). Examining Problem Gambling, Substance Use Disorders and Cluster B Personality Traits among Incarcerated Individuals. Addictive Behaviors Report,
Macey, J., Palomäki, J., & Castrén, S. (2024). Using latent class analysis to identify Finnish gambler types and potential risk. International Gambling Studies.
- Männikkö, N., Palomäki, J., Parikka, S. et al. Establishing Academic Burnout’s Relationship with Problematic Internet Use and Specific Health-Risk Behaviours: A Cross-sectional Study of Finnish Higher Education Students. Int J Ment Health Addiction (2024).
- Krista Hylkilä, Niko Männikkö; Aino Peltonen; Sari Castrén; Terhi Mustonen; Jenni Konttila; Merja Männistö; Maria Kääriäinen. Association between problematic social networking site use and social well-being among young adults: a systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports 2024.
- K. Hylkilä, N. Männikkö, S. Castrén, T. Mustonen, A. Peltonen, J. Konttila, M. Männistö, M. Kääriäinen. Association between psychosocial well-being and problematic social media use among Finnish young adults: A cross-sectional study, Telematics and Informatics, 2023.
- Tuire Korvuo, Jussi Palomäki, Sari Castrén,Dissociative experiences reduce online problem gambling treatment effectiveness,Comprehensive Psychiatry, Volume 127, 2023.
- Latvala, T., Vuori, M., Castrén, S., Grönroos, T., Levola, J., Salonen, AH. (2023) Diagnosoidun rahapeliriippuvuuden esiintyvyys vaihtelee alueittain. Suomen Lääkärilehti.
- Macey, J.R., Abarbanel, B.L., Castrén, S. et al. Public opinions and attitudes toward a state monopoly: a study of the finnish gambling system. BMC Public Health 23, 2012 (2023).
- Vainio, J., Hylkilä, K., Männikkö, N., Mustonen, T., Kääriäinen, M., Konttila, J., Peltonen, A., Karhulahti, V.-M., & Castrén, S. (2023). Perceptions of health changes and support for self-limiting social media use among young adults in Finland : A qualitative study.. Psychology of Popular Media,
- Palomäki J, Turner N, Macey J, Castrén S. Increased volatility in video poker results in more winning players but shorter winning streaks - Evidence from simulations. J Behav Addict. 2023.
- Castrèn S, Ulfves N, Levola J.: Digipelaaminen voi kehittyä riippuvuudeksi: digipeliriippuvuus häiriönä ICD-11-tautiluokituksessa 2023.
- Palomäki, J., Lind, K., Heiskanen, M., & Castrén, S. (2023). Predicting online problem gambling treatment discontinuation: New evidence from cross-validated models.Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.
2022 ja vanhemmat
- Salonen AH, Castrén S, Latvala TA, Grönroos T, Levola J, Vuori M. Gender- and age-stratified analyses of gambling disorder in Finland between 2011 and 2020 based on administrative registers. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. August 2022.
- Palomäki, J., Lind, K., Heiskanen, M., & Castrén, S. (2022). Predicting online problem gambling treatment discontinuation: New evidence from cross-validated models. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. Advance online publication.
- Macey J, Cantell M, Tossavainen T, Karjala A, Castrén S. How can the potential harms of loot boxes be minimised?: Proposals for understanding and addressing issues at a national level. J Behav Addict. 2022 Apr 20. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35446784.
- Palomäki J, Heiskanen M. Castrén S. Online 8-week cognitive therapy for problem gamblers: the moderating effects of depression symptoms and perceived financial control, Journal of Behavioral Addictions 2021.
- Palomäki J, Laakasuo M, Castrén S, Saastamoinen J, Kainulainen T, Suhonen N. "Online Betting Intensity is Linked with Extraversion and Conscientiousness" Journal of Personality 2021 (89)5.
- Castrén S, Raitasalo K, Järvinen-Tassopoulos J. Money used in gaming sites is associated to problem gambling: results of the ESPAD 2019 Finland, Addictive Behaviors.
- Alho H, Mäkelä N, Toivonen L, Isotalo J, Ollikainen J, Castrén S. As-needed administration of intranasal naloxone in treatment of gambling disorder: a randomized control trial. Addictive Behaviors 2021.
- Edgren R, Pörtfors P, Raisamo S, Castrén S. Treatment for the concerned significant others of problem gamblers: A systematic review. Journal of Addictive Behaviors 2021, (in press).
- Castrén S, Lind K, Hagförs H, Salonen A. Harms as reported by affected others: a population based, cross sectional Finnish Gambling 2019 study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021, 10;18(18):9564.
- Castrén S, Mäkelä N, Haikola J, et al. Treating gambling disorder with as needed administration of intranasal naloxone: a pilot study to evaluate acceptability, feasibility and outcomes. BMJ Open 2019;9 (8):e023728.
- Lind K, Salonen AH, Järvinen-Tassopoulos J, Alho H, Castrén S: Problem gambling and support preferences among Finnish prisoners: a pilot study in an adult correctional population. International Journal of Prisoner Health 2019 15(4):316-331.
- Castrén S, Lind K, Järvinen-Tassopoulos J, Alho H, Salonen AH: How to Support Prison Worker’s perceived readiness to Identify and Respond to Possible Gambling Problems: a Pilot Study from Two Finnish Prisons. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
- Castrén S, Heiskanen M, Salonen AH: Trends in gambling participation and gambling severity among Finnish men and women: cross-sectional population surveys in 2007, 2010 and 2015. BMJ Open 2018; 8(8):1-10.
- Salonen AH, Kontto J, Perhoniemi R, Alho H, Castrén S: Gambling expenditure by game type among weekly gamblers in Finland. BMC Public Health 2018 ;18(1):697-.
- Castrén S, Perhoniemi R, Kontto J, Alho H, Salonen AH: Association between gambling involvement by game type and gambling harms: Finnish population study. International Gambling Studies 2018; 18(1): 124-142.
- Castrén S, Kontto J, Alho H, Salonen AH: The relationship between gambling expenditure, socioeconomics, health-related correlates and gambling behavior - a cross-sectional population survey in Finland. Addiction 2018; 113(1):91-106.
- Latvala T, Castrén S, Alho H, Salonen AH: Compulsory school achievement and gambling among men and women aged 18-29 in Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2017; 46(5): 505-513.
- Salonen AH, Rosenström T, Edgren R, Volberg R, Alho H, Castrén S: Dimensions of the South Oaks Gambling Screen in Finland: a Cross-sectional Population Study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2017; 58(3): 228-237.
- Edgren R, Castrén S, Alho H, Salonen A: Gender comparison of online and land-based gamblers from a nationally representative sample. Does online gambling pose elevated risk? Computers in Human Behavior 2017; 72: 46-56.
- Salonen AH, Alho H, Castrén S: Attitudes towards gambling, gambling participation and gambling-related harm: cross-sectional Finnish population studies 2011 and 2015. BMC Public Health 2017;17:122.
- Castrén S, Temcheff C, Derevensky J, Josefsson K, Alho H, Salonen AH: Teacher Awareness and Attitudes Regarding Adolescent Risk Behaviours: A Sample of Finnish Middle and High School Teachers International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 2017; 5(2), 295–311.
- Salonen AH, Alho H, Castrén S: The extent and type of gambling harms for concerned significant others: A cross sectional population study in Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2016; 44(8): 799-804.
- Edgren R, Castrén S, Pörtfors P, Marjukka, Alho H, Salonen AH: Reliability of instruments measuring at-risk and problem gambling among young individuals: A systematic review covering years 2009-2015. Journal of Adolescent Health 2016;58(6):600-15.
- Edgren R, Castrén S, Jokela M, Salonen AH: At-risk and problem gambling among Finnish youth: The examination of risky alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, mental health and loneliness as gender specific correlates. Gambling and other risk behaviour among Finnish adolescents and emerging adults by gender. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 2016; 33(1): 61-79.
- Kovanen L & Basnet S, Castrén S, Pankakoski M, Saarikoski S, Partonen T, Alho H, Lahti T: A randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled Trial of As Needed Naltrexone in the Treatment of Pathological Gambling. Eur Addict Res. 2016; 22(2): 70-79.
- Castrén S, Grainger M, Lahti T, Alho H, Salonen AH: At-risk and problem gambling among adolescents: a convenience sample of first-year junior high school students in Finland. Substance Abuse, Treatment, Prevention and Policy, 2015; 10:9.
- Salonen AH, Alho H, Castrén S: Gambling frequency, gambling problems and concerned significant others of problem gamblers in Finland: Cross-sectional population studies in 2007-2011. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2015; 49(3): 229-235.
- Castrén S, Salonen AH, Alho H, Lahti T, Simojoki K: Past-year gambling Behaviour amongs patients receiving opioid substitution treatment. Substance Abuse, Treatment, Prevention and Policy 2015; 10(1): 1-6.
- Salonen AH, Castrén S, Raisamo S, Orford J, Alho H, Lahti T. Attitudes towards gambling in Finland: A cross sectional population study. BMC Public Health 2014; 14, 982.
- Salonen AH, Castrén S, Alho H, Lahti T: Concerned significant others of people with gambling problem in Finland: a cross-sectional population study. BMC Public Health 2014;14:398.
Lisää Sari Castrénin julkaisuja
Lisätietoa verkossa
PhD, Senior Researcher, Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Psychology and Speech-Language Pathology
University of Turku
Adjunct Professor at University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine
Institute of Clinical Medicine, University and University Hospital of Helsinki, Finland
ResearchGate: Sari Castrén
Linkedin: Sari Castrén
Orchid: 0000-0003-0492-9610