Heikki Hiilamo

Heikki Hiilamo.

Virkanimike: tutkimusprofessori
Syntymävuosi: 1964
Sähköposti: [email protected]


  • Sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujärjestelmä
  • Eriarvoisuus, köyhyys, syrjäytyminen
  • Perhepolitiikka
  • Tupakkapolitiikka


  • Sosiaaliturvauudistuksen tukeminen THL:ssä
  • Asiantuntemusalueihin kohdistuva tutkimus- ja asiantuntijatyö    


  • 2007, FT, kansanterveystiede, Tampereen yliopisto
  • 2002, VTT, sosiaalipolitiikka, Turun yliopisto


  • 2019– tutkimusprofessori, THL
  • 2013– sosiaalipolitiikan professori, Helsingin yliopisto
  • 2010–2013 tutkimusprofessori, Kansaneläkelaitos

Käynnissä olevat projektit

  • Koronapandemian sosiaaliset seuraukset 
  • Invest/perustulokokeilun sosiaaliset vaikutukset
  • Sosiaaliturvan indikaattorit hyvinvointitaloudessa
  • Beyond Manufacturing 4.0 2019– (funding from EU horizon 2020, leader of a project)
  • Manufacturing 4.0 2018– (funding from Strategic Research Council, WP leader)
  • Bubbles and Biases (BIBU) 2017. (funding from Strategic Research Council, WP leader)

Päättyneitä projekteja

  • Evaluating impact of social research 2016–2020 (Kone Foundation, principal investigator & project leader & grant holder)
  • Inclusive social security (funding from Kone foundation, Prime Minister’s office, principal investigator & project leader & grant holder)
  • GINI Growing inequalities impacts, 2010–2014 (funding from European Commission, project partner)
  • Social consequences of debt problems, 2010–2016 (funding from Academy of Finland, principal investigator & project leader & grant holder) 
  • Child placement outcomes, 2012–2018, joint project with Nordic register researchers (funding from Wihuri and Otto Malm foundations, principal investigator & project leader & grant holder)


  • 2020– sosiaaliturvakomitean asiantuntijajäsen


  • 2018– Helsingin diakonissalaitoksen hallitus



Tieteelliset artikkelit

  • Hiilamo, H. (2021). Adapting the Nordic welfare state model to the challenges of automation. In Koivunen, A., Ojala, J., & Holmén, J. (Eds.).  The Nordic Economic, Social and Political Model: Challenges in the 21st Century (1st ed.). Routledge. pp. 227–241. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429026690
  • Isola, A-M., Roivainen, I., & Hiilamo, H. (2020). Lone mothers’ experiences of poverty in Finland - a capability approach: Nordic Social Work Research. Nordic Social Work Research, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/2156857X.2020.1813192
  • Hakovirta, M., Skinner, C., Hiilamo, H., & Jokela, M. (2020). Child Poverty, Child Maintenance and Interactions with Social Assistance Benefits Among Lone Parent Families: a Comparative Analysis. Journal of Social Policy, 49(1), 19–32.
  • Hiilamo, H. (2020). Why did Social and Healthcare Services Reform Fail in Finland? Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 97(3), 433–441.
  • Hiilamo, H. (2020). The Legacy of Economic Recession in Terms of Over-Indebtedness: A Framework and Review of the Evidence. Social Policy and Society, 1–14.
  • Holte, B. H., Swart, I., & Hiilamo, H. (2019). The NEET concept in comparative youth research: the Nordic countries and South Africa. Journal of Youth Studies, 22(2), 256–272.
  • Hiilamo, H., & Komp, K. (2018). The Case for a Participation Income: Acknowledging and Valuing the Diversity of Social Participation. Political Quarterly, 89(2), 256–261.
  • Hiilamo, H., Merikukka, M., & Haataja, A. (2018). Long-Term Educational Outcomes of Child Care Arrangements in Finland. SAGE Open, 8(2), 1–15.
  • Kääriälä, A., Berlin, M., Lausten, M., Hiilamo, H., Ristikari, T. (2018). Early school leaving by children in out-of-home care: A comparative study of three Nordic countries. Children and Youth Services, 93, 186–195.
  • Lahtinen, H. A., Wass, H. M., & Hiilamo, H. (2017). Gradient constraint in voting: the effect of intra-generational social class and income mobility on turnout. Electoral Studies, 45(1), 14–23.
  • Blomgren, J., Maunula, N., & Hiilamo, H. (2017). Do debts lead to disability pension? Evidence from a 15-year follow-up of 54,000 Finnish men and women. Journal of European Social Policy, 27(2), 109–122.

Kansainvälinen osallistuminen

  • Georgia 2020–, Expertise France project for developing social welfare in Georgia
  • Latvia 2017, 2020, Quality agency for higher education
  • Cambodia 2019–2020, European Union project for the preparation of the management and regulation of the social security system
  • Georgia 2019, National Center  For Educational Quality Enhancement
  • Estonia 2015, 2016, Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education